Witnessing the possible end of a marriage is devastating for both the couple as well as the family members and friends looking on.
Regardless of the problems the couple is having, nobody really wants to see the union coming to an end.
If you are in the position where you are desperate to save your marriage, but you are not sure your spouse feels the same way, I can share those feelings with you because I was in the very same position not too long ago.
It just seemed that my husband had no interest in me and I really did not know what to do to save our marriage.
Nothing I did produce good results, and it seemed to me that divorce was the imminent end.
Thankfully, I was able to save my marriage by employing a particular strategy.
Not only was it saved, but it was much better than it ever was before.
Without a doubt, I am here to tell you that any marriage can be saved from unfortunate divorce.
My strategy for saving the marriage was playing inaccessible in the eyes of my husband.
What that means is that instead of coming off as being the desperate and needy spouse, I gave my husband the impression that I had moved on emotionally and was no longer interested in being with him.
That instantly gave him the impression that I was out of reach, hence making me seem more appealing in his eyes.
Although to you this may sound a bit far fetched, take my word for it.
There is a law of the universe that dictates that people want what they cannot have.
That law was out in full force when my marriage was about to fall apart, and it is what can make the difference for yours as soon as you begin to apply it.
Regardless of the problems the couple is having, nobody really wants to see the union coming to an end.
If you are in the position where you are desperate to save your marriage, but you are not sure your spouse feels the same way, I can share those feelings with you because I was in the very same position not too long ago.
It just seemed that my husband had no interest in me and I really did not know what to do to save our marriage.
Nothing I did produce good results, and it seemed to me that divorce was the imminent end.
Thankfully, I was able to save my marriage by employing a particular strategy.
Not only was it saved, but it was much better than it ever was before.
Without a doubt, I am here to tell you that any marriage can be saved from unfortunate divorce.
My strategy for saving the marriage was playing inaccessible in the eyes of my husband.
What that means is that instead of coming off as being the desperate and needy spouse, I gave my husband the impression that I had moved on emotionally and was no longer interested in being with him.
That instantly gave him the impression that I was out of reach, hence making me seem more appealing in his eyes.
Although to you this may sound a bit far fetched, take my word for it.
There is a law of the universe that dictates that people want what they cannot have.
That law was out in full force when my marriage was about to fall apart, and it is what can make the difference for yours as soon as you begin to apply it.