Company Picnic Planning can be tough, it be can stressful and it can put a lot of pressure on whoever is in charge of brainstorming ideas for what to do as well as planning and executing it.
Fortunately for those charged with company picnic planning, there are others in the same boat and have walked the path before.
We know when certain decisions and deadlines should be met, when a formal plan should be in place, and when to start taking action.
How to Make Planning Easier First, keep things simple and organized.
Keep all your notes and details in one, unified location that you can refer to and continue to add to as time goes on.
Second, get familiar with this years budget and what you can afford to spend.
Begin to weigh possibilities for what kind of activities or entertainment you can do with the budget you are given.
If you budget is too low to really do anything fun, you should go back and ask kindly for a reconsideration.
But before you do that, know what kind of budget you're going to ask for and what you can accomplish with that budget.
You want to clearly explain the benefits of upping the budget for better options.
Fun Activities for Everyone As for ideas, activities and entertainment, you might want to go around the office and ask people for their opinions.
Float ideas past them and weigh their responses.
Whether it's positive or negative feedback, don't take their responses too close to heart.
You're responsible for the whole company's picnic, not just for a few individuals.
Besides, some people may have a different reaction to an idea then to the actual thing.
The Time to Act Once you have your budget in place with a plan of action, now is the time to start fulfilling that action.
Company picnic planning can be tough, believe me! Over the years I have helped a lot of company's plan their annual picnics.
Clients have told me that picking and choosing inflatables, carnival rides, along with caricature artists and tattoo artists has been simple, easy, and a tremendous relief.
Fortunately for those charged with company picnic planning, there are others in the same boat and have walked the path before.
We know when certain decisions and deadlines should be met, when a formal plan should be in place, and when to start taking action.
How to Make Planning Easier First, keep things simple and organized.
Keep all your notes and details in one, unified location that you can refer to and continue to add to as time goes on.
Second, get familiar with this years budget and what you can afford to spend.
Begin to weigh possibilities for what kind of activities or entertainment you can do with the budget you are given.
If you budget is too low to really do anything fun, you should go back and ask kindly for a reconsideration.
But before you do that, know what kind of budget you're going to ask for and what you can accomplish with that budget.
You want to clearly explain the benefits of upping the budget for better options.
Fun Activities for Everyone As for ideas, activities and entertainment, you might want to go around the office and ask people for their opinions.
Float ideas past them and weigh their responses.
Whether it's positive or negative feedback, don't take their responses too close to heart.
You're responsible for the whole company's picnic, not just for a few individuals.
Besides, some people may have a different reaction to an idea then to the actual thing.
The Time to Act Once you have your budget in place with a plan of action, now is the time to start fulfilling that action.
Company picnic planning can be tough, believe me! Over the years I have helped a lot of company's plan their annual picnics.
Clients have told me that picking and choosing inflatables, carnival rides, along with caricature artists and tattoo artists has been simple, easy, and a tremendous relief.