Health & Medical Acne

Healthy Tips For Keeping Your Acne Under Control

For many teenagers acne outbreaks belong on the list of teen terrors; those things you dread most.
During puberty there is a shift in hormones, stress about everyday events and typically junk food in the teenagers' diets.
Combine all of these and the environment for potential acne problems has been established.
Taking control of these causes decreases your chances of a severe acne outbreak.
During puberty you've going to go through some turbulent hormonal changes.
These change are perfectly normal during teen years.
The wisest course of action here is to leave these changes to nature and let nature take its course.
Taking hormone supplements to combat acne Is Not a good idea.
Stress is a contributing factor to acne problems but is a necessary part of life.
The basic stresses of being a teenager should help you develop into mature and well-adusted adults.
That's not to say that you should simply let stress run rampant in your life - not at all.
Exercising daily, meditation, positive thinking and avoiding overly stressful situations are all steps you can take in your stress conquest.
It is important to take time out of life to relax and cope.
What if you could get rid of your acne problems in under 30 days? Would you do anything to achieve that goal? Here's a fact -poor nutrition and eating habits are a known link to acne problems.
Ask any doctor or nutritionist and they will tell you this.
Cut out the junk food (chips, fries, takeaways and other greasy food) and drink plenty of water.
So what do you eat to have a healthier diet and decrease pimples?You need seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables.
Include whole grains, fruit juices without added sugar, poultry or seafood and a great deal of water to your diet.
The lean proteins help you grow but also keep a lot of fat off of your body.
The wholegrains maintain a hearty digestive tract and allow you to process food properly.
The vegetables and fruits will also help you get the fiber that you need.
For those that want supplements, they can take A, B complexes, zinc, selenium, C and E.
You can also take herbs to help with acne problems.
You might want to try turmeric and barberry.
Turmeric is a dietary supplement that has been popular for decades to assist in digestive health.
Additionally, turmeric is an all natural antibiotic which aids in making the digestive system stronger and by establishing a healthy intestinal balance.
You might recognize turmeric from lean protein Indian cuisine.
One way to enjoy this supplement is with green vegetables, chicken curry dishes and curry fish dishes.
A little bit of inexpensive turmeric can really help in getting rid of acne problems.
There are western clinical reports that validate the use of barberry to help with acne problems.
It is very popular in Chinese and Japanese medicines.
According to naturopathic doctors, acne problems are a result of having too much acid in the body.
The well known medical anthropologist, Dr.
John Heinermann, reports that watermelon juice will wash out many of the acids in your body.
Who can resist a tall glass of fresh watermelon juice? You should now have a clearer understanding of what to include in your diet to help manage acne problems.
What types of foods should you stay away from? On the very top of the list for foods to stay away from are the fried foods and also the hydrogenated fats, like margarine.
The majority of teens that have acne problems are making excess skin oil in the sebaceous glands, which can then result in producing pimples or unfortunately an acne condition.
If you have to use oil, it is best to use olive oil.
Olive oil is "thin" oil with no cholesterol and no trans-fatty acids.
There are many other teenage fave rave foods that need to be avoided; these include chocolates, candy, soft drinks and just general junk foods and any foods with refined sugars.
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