Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

House Painting Techniques

House painting is really fun and many people enjoy doing it especially on holidays, but the frustrations come when the end results look shady especially after the hard work and resources invested.
With the help of a few house painting techniques you can now change your frustrations to adding real value to your home.
Painting is a skill that can be mastered.
Everyone starts off as a beginner and gradually gets to understand the art.
First and foremost you need to know what type of color suites the rooms you want to paint and then invest in a quality product.
Be advised not to buy products because of their brand name since every manufacturer also makes inexpensive paints.
Remember you get what you pay for.
Cheap paints translate to bad paint layers which will need to be redone in less than 6 months while expensive paints give you quality work which lasts for about 7 - 9 years.
Getting started Once you have identified the type of paint you need to use, you will need to check on the different types of brushes you will need for the walls and corners of the room.
Bear in mind that while painting, the brush picks up dust and other impurities from the surface you are painting.
Avoid dipping your brush straight into the paint can because you will be transferring the impurities into the paint can which cause specks in your painting.
Don't leave your paint can open, exposing the paint to the air, because it reacts to it.
The paint becomes thicker, sticker and more difficult to work with.
Try pouring out about ½ inch of paint into a bucket that you will use for painting.
This way, you will use up the paint before it reacts with air and save the rest from drying up.
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