- 1). Using the smallest drill bit you can find, drill a hole a 1/4 inch from the top of the book and a 1/4 inch from the binding. Drill another hole a 1/4 inch from the bottom of the book and a 1/4 inch from the binding.
- 2). Measure the distance from the top hole to the bottom hole. Divide the distance by four. Measure that distance from each hole and mark the area with a pencil.
- 3). Drill a hole into each pencil marking. Measure string to three times the length of the book. Thread the string onto a needle and then insert it into the top hole. Pull the string down and leave 3 inches on the other side for slack.
- 4). Thread the string through the hole on the other side. Pull it through until you have a small amount of slack. Repeat until you reach the last hole.
- 5). Wrap the string over the last hole and then bring it back through the holes. This time, enter the hole from the opposite side you entered the last time.
- 6). Pull tight and then tie the string at the hole from which you started. Cut off the excess string.