Selling is something that is usually seen as essential to a business, but unfortunately most of us simply do not have the right skillset to be successful at it. You can drastically improve your chances if you take a different approach to building your business online.
The problem is that there are simply too many people out there trying to sell their product too. Especially in the online world - there are probably many others offering similar (if not the same) product. Every one wanting to be the most shocking, or the most vocal - or sometimes the sneakiest, with pop-ups, pop-unders and now light boxes for signup forms. All of these things are trying to gain that little edge - so how does the new person hope to compete in all of this, and you have to ask yourself if you actually WANT to be successful in those terms.
The good news is that you absolutely can compete and come out way ahead of the others - but you don't do it by playing their game. You play smart, and the results are incredible.
Let's just understand what's going on from the customer's side of things. Every one of us is now inundated with sales proposals every minute of every day - on radio, TV, billboards, the sides of buses, emails, cold calling, junk mail - the list goes on and on. As a result - everyone is just immune to this whole thing now - the second we hear the start of a pitch, our guard goes up. I find many people are expecting you to pitch them even when you are not - just because that is what they have gotten used to. Let's suppose you did manage to have a big enough impact to be noticed - chances are that your email would just hit the trash folder like all the others.
The thing that is missing in all of this is the human element. All that sales effort is going on around what other salespeople are doing. Everyone is trying to clamber over everyone else to get the customer's attention - and they are burning a huge amount of energy and advertising dollars in the process. But the customer could not care less - they are on the phone with someone they feel they know and trust - doing some mutually beneficial business!
There's your clue. Stop trying to sell people your product and start addressing what they actually want. For example - if you are in the weight loss industry - no-one wakes up one morning and thinks "I could really do with swallowing 10 huge natural tablets every day for the next 90 days"! No - they wake up and decide that they are absolutely going to lose weight and get in shape. Then they start looking for ways to achieve that goal. If your weight loss products happen to be in front of them and you have a good sales presentation, they might well buy something - but if you are a trusted source, then the sale is no problem and you are definitely going to get return customers, not to mention bigger sales too.
So the trick is to become an authority in this area - help as many people find the information that they want as possible. Don't be afraid to give away your "secrets" - once you have built a relationship with your customer by helping them achieve their goals, they'll be back to buy your products for sure. Take that weight loss example - say Sally has decided to lose 50lbs - once she has gone through your email course and understood what she needs to do to lose weight and she is ready to start her program - who will she turn to for products to help her? Why - her trusty weight loss coach who has already been so helpful! People LIKE to do business with people they trust.
This is something that separates the businesses on the internet. If you are here looking for a quick way to make money - you might be successful, but there's no long term value in what you are achieving. If however you are looking for a sure bet to have huge residual incomes going forward - ask yourself just what your customers want and need. Then help them get it - and just mention how much easier it would be with your product to help them. Now you're building a business that will last and ultimately out-perform any hard sell tactics!
The problem is that there are simply too many people out there trying to sell their product too. Especially in the online world - there are probably many others offering similar (if not the same) product. Every one wanting to be the most shocking, or the most vocal - or sometimes the sneakiest, with pop-ups, pop-unders and now light boxes for signup forms. All of these things are trying to gain that little edge - so how does the new person hope to compete in all of this, and you have to ask yourself if you actually WANT to be successful in those terms.
The good news is that you absolutely can compete and come out way ahead of the others - but you don't do it by playing their game. You play smart, and the results are incredible.
Let's just understand what's going on from the customer's side of things. Every one of us is now inundated with sales proposals every minute of every day - on radio, TV, billboards, the sides of buses, emails, cold calling, junk mail - the list goes on and on. As a result - everyone is just immune to this whole thing now - the second we hear the start of a pitch, our guard goes up. I find many people are expecting you to pitch them even when you are not - just because that is what they have gotten used to. Let's suppose you did manage to have a big enough impact to be noticed - chances are that your email would just hit the trash folder like all the others.
The thing that is missing in all of this is the human element. All that sales effort is going on around what other salespeople are doing. Everyone is trying to clamber over everyone else to get the customer's attention - and they are burning a huge amount of energy and advertising dollars in the process. But the customer could not care less - they are on the phone with someone they feel they know and trust - doing some mutually beneficial business!
There's your clue. Stop trying to sell people your product and start addressing what they actually want. For example - if you are in the weight loss industry - no-one wakes up one morning and thinks "I could really do with swallowing 10 huge natural tablets every day for the next 90 days"! No - they wake up and decide that they are absolutely going to lose weight and get in shape. Then they start looking for ways to achieve that goal. If your weight loss products happen to be in front of them and you have a good sales presentation, they might well buy something - but if you are a trusted source, then the sale is no problem and you are definitely going to get return customers, not to mention bigger sales too.
So the trick is to become an authority in this area - help as many people find the information that they want as possible. Don't be afraid to give away your "secrets" - once you have built a relationship with your customer by helping them achieve their goals, they'll be back to buy your products for sure. Take that weight loss example - say Sally has decided to lose 50lbs - once she has gone through your email course and understood what she needs to do to lose weight and she is ready to start her program - who will she turn to for products to help her? Why - her trusty weight loss coach who has already been so helpful! People LIKE to do business with people they trust.
This is something that separates the businesses on the internet. If you are here looking for a quick way to make money - you might be successful, but there's no long term value in what you are achieving. If however you are looking for a sure bet to have huge residual incomes going forward - ask yourself just what your customers want and need. Then help them get it - and just mention how much easier it would be with your product to help them. Now you're building a business that will last and ultimately out-perform any hard sell tactics!