- 1). Change the wallpaper. When you first power on your phone, the first thing you see is your background image, or wallpaper. To change this wallpaper, go to the "Start" menu, select "Settings" and then choose "Home Screen". Select an image from the wallpaper gallery and then press "Done".
- 2). Select themes and colors. To adjust the way that your Windows and menus look, go back to the "Home Screen" menu and then select "Color Scheme" and "Home Screen Layout". Using these utilities, you can adjust the color palate as well as the layout of your phone's menus. Some of the themes you can use are the cool TouchFlo 3D theme and the exciting Guava Bubbles theme. If you want a simpler theme, you can use the simple Windows Mobile Green theme.
- 3). Customize text. If you want to adjust the look and size of the text on your phone, open the Start menu, go to "Settings" and then select "Accessibility". Find the "Font" field and then adjust the size and style of the font. When you are finished, press the "Done" button. Choose from a normal or large version of the font, and select any custom fonts you may have pre-loaded. Note: fonts other than Tahoma and Times New Roman must be loaded using a third-party application.
- 4). Set custom sounds for events. To change sounds for incoming calls, alarm chimes, and e-mail and text notifications, go to the "Sounds" utility in the "Settings" menu. Here you can browse sounds and events and set custom tones for each event. These sounds include everything from melodic ringtones to single tone pulses.