- 1). Walk around the tall grass areas and caves until you encounter a wild 100 level Pokemon.
- 2). Weaken the Pokemon's HP with a series of offensive moves that inflict damage. Before battling the Pokemon, find out its Pokemon type. With the type in mind, you can use a Pokemon move that is effective against that type. For example, if the 100 level Pokemon is a grass-type, using a fire-type or ice-type move will strongly decrease its HP levels making it much easier to catch.
- 3). Paralyze the opposing Pokemon or send it into a deep sleep. Since level 100 Pokemon are difficult to catch, even with a strong Pokeball, you may need to cause a change in health status in order to catch it. Moves such as "Sleep Power" and "Thunder Wave" do not cause damage to the Pokemon's HP, but will cause it to be paralyzed or asleep.
- 4). Catch the Level 100 Pokemon with a strong PokeBall, such as a Ultra Ball, Super Ball or Great Ball. The Ultra Ball is the strongest PokeBall you can purchase at the PokeMart and will catch even the strongest Pokemon as long you weaken it first.