- 1). Click on the mode you want to play after booting up the game. Your choices are "Championship Mode," "Free Race Mode" and "Build a Track Mode." Use the "Up" key on the PC or the "B" button on the Game Boy Color, to press the gas and turn the car end over end while airborne. Press the "Down" key on the PC and the "A" button on the Game Boy Color to brake, and to also turn the car end over end while airborne.
- 2). Press the "Left" key to steer left or spin while airborne and the "Right" key to steer right or spin while airborne on the PC. Press "L" on custom tracks to turn your lights off and on and press "W" to turn the Garage images off or on for the PC version. Simply use the directional pad to spin corresponding directions on the Game Boy Color version.
- 3). Press the space bar to honk your horn while driving, press the "C" key to automatically crash your car and press "Control" and then "Shift" to do barrel rolls on the PC version.