Many product owners believe that the launch is the ultimate goal when it should be only a key step in a larger marketing plan.
In reality, you're not launching a product: you're launching your business.
Implement these strategies to add at least $1 million to your next product launch and your business.
Implement a forced continuity program in your original offer: A big secret in the launch community is that many launches are unprofitable and the continuity is what creates the profit.
With most of our clients, the continuity typically ranges from $97 to $197 monthly, and in many cases, 2,000 to 5,000 new buyers are added after a launch.
You can quickly see how much money you will lose if you don't have a continuity program in place.
In this case, a trial period to the continuity program is added to the original low-end offer.
Implement a forced continuity program in your upsell: In this case, you add the forced continuity to the upsell.
In many cases, the list member may have skipped the original offer (with the built-in continuity) and buy only the upsell.
Make sure they are put in your continuity as well (this must be disclosed in the order form, obviously).
Offer related products to your products or other products via email: An often overlooked strategy is to offer related products (yours or others) to the list that has just been built from the launch.
These list members are the most responsive members from multiple lists and they should be marketed to aggressively via email before they cool off.
Offer related products to your products or other products via webinars: An even better strategy is to invite those list members to webinars that you host to sell your own products or related products.
Offer your own high end programs: If you don't have a back end of high-end programs, then you better think that through before doing your launch.
Again, these are the best leads you can ever acquire from any source, but you must quickly market to them or you risk losing their interest.
Once you have turned on their "buying gene", they will go into hyper buying mode.
If you don't market to them, they will buy from somebody else.
As counter-intuitive as it sounds, the best leads to market high-end programs to are the ones who just bought your upsell, so focus there.
In reality, you're not launching a product: you're launching your business.
Implement these strategies to add at least $1 million to your next product launch and your business.
Implement a forced continuity program in your original offer: A big secret in the launch community is that many launches are unprofitable and the continuity is what creates the profit.
With most of our clients, the continuity typically ranges from $97 to $197 monthly, and in many cases, 2,000 to 5,000 new buyers are added after a launch.
You can quickly see how much money you will lose if you don't have a continuity program in place.
In this case, a trial period to the continuity program is added to the original low-end offer.
Implement a forced continuity program in your upsell: In this case, you add the forced continuity to the upsell.
In many cases, the list member may have skipped the original offer (with the built-in continuity) and buy only the upsell.
Make sure they are put in your continuity as well (this must be disclosed in the order form, obviously).
Offer related products to your products or other products via email: An often overlooked strategy is to offer related products (yours or others) to the list that has just been built from the launch.
These list members are the most responsive members from multiple lists and they should be marketed to aggressively via email before they cool off.
Offer related products to your products or other products via webinars: An even better strategy is to invite those list members to webinars that you host to sell your own products or related products.
Offer your own high end programs: If you don't have a back end of high-end programs, then you better think that through before doing your launch.
Again, these are the best leads you can ever acquire from any source, but you must quickly market to them or you risk losing their interest.
Once you have turned on their "buying gene", they will go into hyper buying mode.
If you don't market to them, they will buy from somebody else.
As counter-intuitive as it sounds, the best leads to market high-end programs to are the ones who just bought your upsell, so focus there.