Health & Medical Nutrition

The Nutritional Value of Pomelo

According to the modern pharmacological analysis, the nutritional value of pomelo is rather high.
Pomelo contains abundant carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, mineral substances, sugar and volatile oil.
The peel of pomelo plays an important role in resisting inflammation for the human body.
The flesh of pomelo contains abundant nutrients like vitamin C and para-insulin and it plays an important role in decreasing the blood fat, beautifying the skin and helping people lose weight.
The potassium, a kind of natural trace element, contained in pomelo can effectively improve the health for the patients with high blood pressure and cerebrovascular diseases.
But, the patients with hyperpotassaemia should not eat pomelo excessively.
The rich vitamin C contained in pomelo can decrease the content of cholesterol in the blood.
The pectin can not only decrease the level of low-density lipoprotein, but also reduce the damaged condition of artery wall.
The adequate intake of pomelo can also enhance the immunity for the human body.
It can improve the absorption of calcium and iron for the human body.
The natural folic acid can also prevent anemia and accelerate the normal growth of the fetuses.
In addition, the chromium contained in pomelo can reduce the blood sugar for people.
Although the nutritional value of pomelo is rather high, there are some items which should be paid attention to so as to prevent the possible harms.
People should not eat the pomelo with bitter taste.
At the same time, people should not eat pomelo excessively at a time.
The excessive intake of pomelo can not only hurt the liver, but also cause other discomfortable symptoms and even poisoning, such as dizziness and weariness.
When people take the medicines like anti-allergic agent, they can not eat pomelo or drink pomelo juice.
These medicines can react with pomelo to cause arrhythmia.
In addition, the patients with high blood pressure should not eat pomelo, or the serious side effects can be induced.
Some people think that the abundant l-ascorbic acid and para-insulin can decrease the blood sugar and blood fat for the human body, so they frequently eat pomelo in daily life.
However, if people take the hypotensor and pomelo at the same time, the blood pressure can be decreased greatly to induce angina, myocardial infarction and apoplexy.
In addition, the patients with kidney diseases should eat pomelo under the doctors' guidance, as pomelo contains a large amount of potassium.
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