Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Singularity FAQ and Overview

Singularity is a first person shooter that takes the main character on a ride through time off the coast of Russia.
The story line is intense as the game play is just as good.
While the difficulty of the missions isn't too hard, there are a few snags you can hit along the way.
In the rest of this article we'll go over some of the most common snags you'll find while playing through this amazing game.
One of the most commonly asked questions in this game is how to defeat the first boss in Singularity.
This guy is a beast of a mutant who throws explosive barrels and swings a hammer made of broken concrete wall.
The fight is broken into three phases and is relatively easy once you understand how he works.
The first phase of the fight is him throwing barrels at you.
Simply catch them with the TMD and thrown them back at him.
After a certain amount of damage he will go into phase two which he pulls out his sledge hammer and swings it at you.
The best way to get around this is to wait until he gets close and then sprint behind him.
Once behind him aim for the blue patches on his back and open fire.
The final phase of this boss is a mix between him charging you with the sledge, him summoning phase monsters and throwing barrels.
Lay into him until he drops.
Another challenge to Singularity is how to open the door in the gas tunnels.
This is a very simple and yet challenging task.
You only have a limited amount of air so you have to be right on when it comes to your timing.
When you approach the switch to open the door you'll want to charge an impulse blast by holding down E.
When you hit the button to open the door you need to throw the charge through the open window at either the left or right side of the door.
This will stop time for the door and you'll be able to fit underneath it.
Our last commonly asked question is how to defeat the train boss in Singularity.
This guy is slow but hits like the train you're riding on.
He starts out with a few orange blotches around his head.
Once these are down he will go into his next phase.
Each phase he comes back with more of these orange blobs you need to pop.
While this isn't too hard, avoiding his swings can be a challenge.
You will see him pull back before he launches his claw at you.
Simply time it right to move to the left, right or simply jump out of the way.
These frequently asked questions will help you to not only enjoy the game more but will help you to get to your next save point faster.
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