Health & Medical Acne

Acne Solutions - Basic Info Kit

Acne is a skin condition which millions of people suffer from.
Acne is not life threatening however, if severe enough, it can ruin a person's self esteem.
Acne usually appears on a person's face.
Because the face is the first person that people notice, it can cause self esteem issues.
Acne does not only develop on the face, it can also develop on the neck, back, upper arms, and buttocks.
Acne develops in a few different forms.
It can develop as a pimple, pustule, blackhead, whitehead, or in severe cases, a cyst.
When the acne forms deeper below the skin, it tends to be painful.
Acne develops when the body has an over production of an oil called sebum.
This oil comes out of the gland where it is produced and it gets clogged within the hair follicles.
It clogs dirt and bacteria in these hair follicles and causes acne.
Although acne is seen more in teenagers, it isa problem for many adults as well.
An over production of sebum is caused when hormone levels become high.
This is why teenagers, menstruating women, and pregnant women all have issues with acne.
During adolescents, the gland which produces sebum expands.
This allows a larger amount of sebum to be secreted.
This is another reason that teenagers are more prone to acne than adults.
These glands usually go back to their original size around age twenty.
There are a few acne solutions out there which can help to make your acne disappear.
Washing properly is the first thing that a person should do.
Washing with regular soap is not a good idea.
Washing with a cleanser such as Cetaphil is the best idea.
After washing the skin, you should make sure that the skin is completely dry.
Once the skin is dry, a benzoyl peroxide cream or gel should be applied.
Many dermatologists should suggest that alpha hydrox be used in conjunction with the benzoyl peroxide for best results.
When the skin is clean, it is important to put on a clean shirt after.
This is important because the oils, sweat, and dirt in the skin ends up on your shirt.
If you put a dirty shirt on clean skin, acne can develop or become aggravated.
It is also important to use clean washcloth and towels when washing.
Bacteria and germs thrive in damp fabric.
Changing your bed sheets is also very important.
The body oils left behind can dirty clean skin.
This can aggravate acne.
If you follow all of the at home washing instructions and are still having acne problems, it may be necessary to call a dermatologist.
A dermatologist will first prescribe prescription ointments.
If these do not work, your dermatologist will prescribe oral antibiotics.
These will be continued until the pustules stop appearing.
This usually takes four to eight weeks to occur.
When this happens the dermatologist will have you taper off the antibiotics each month.
While tapering off the medication, the doctor will put you on a system for ointment.
In the morning, most dermatologists will have you use erythromycin.
At night, you will use benzoyl peroxide.
Using this properly is usually effective in treating acne.
Millions of people suffer from acne everyday.
This however, does not have to be the case.
With the use of medications and ointments, along with helpful tips, will help to cure the acne and be a wonderful acne solution.
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