- 1). Select pictures of Mary Jane shoes to use as a reference when drawing.
- 2). Prepare a flat surface to draw on. Choose a quiet area with good lighting. Lay out any pencils and erasers that will be used for the drawing. Set out a pad of heavy-grade drawing paper.
- 3). Place the photo or picture under a piece of tracing paper. Trace the picture lightly using a standard HB pencil.
- 4). Transfer the image using graphite paper and a stylus. Place a piece of graphite paper face-down onto the pad of drawing paper. Secure it with tape. Set the tracing paper with the copied image over top of the graphite paper. Trace over the image with a stylus, pressing it onto the paper underneath. Use a firm and even amount of pressure when tracing. When the pages are lifted, the image should be printed on the drawing paper.
- 5). Shade the image using the side of a 7B drawing pencil and a small amount of pressure. When shading, place a small piece of paper under your drawing hand. This keeps smudging to a minimum. Shade near the bottom of the shoes and all the areas where light would not hit the shoes. Leave areas white where a shine would naturally fall on the shoes. Shade around the shoe buckle, leaving a sliver of light around the buckle to create the look of shiny metal.
- 6). Clean up the picture using a Blu-tack eraser, which is moldable putty that erases pencil marks more effectively and gently than a standard eraser. Erase any smudges around the drawing and outer edges of the paper.
- 7). Seal the drawing with a clear acrylic fixative. Spray in long even strokes, lightly coating the paper. Allow to dry.