- 1). Remove an old bar pull from a kitchen cabinet, by unscrewing the pair of screws that hold the handle-like item in place. The head of the screw is always located on the inside of the drawer or cabinet door.
- 2). Measure the center-to-center distance between each point of attachment. You will likely come up with a standard distance such as 3, 5 or 6 inches.
- 3). Start shopping. A good place to begin is with catalogs such as Renovator's Supply, Clawfoot Supply or Urban Archaeology. Cheaper hardware can be found at places like Knob Depot or Cool Knobs and Pulls.
- 4). Visit a mortar and brick supply store that sells all types of cabinet pulls. Actually walking into a place where you can see and feel the hardware firsthand is an invaluable experience and will help you make your final decision.
- 5). Buy a sample set of bar pulls.
- 6). Put the bar pulls in place and then stand back and take a long, hard work. Compare the pulls to other items in the kitchen to see how this new piece of decor complements the rest of the kitchen. Try to ignore the rest of the drawer and cabinet pulls, for these items will eventually be replaced.