Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Are Brown Spots And Age Inevitable? Maybe Not!

Do you know that "age spots" have nothing to do with age? Most people associate those brownish spots that show up later in life with the aging process but this is really a misnomer. Age spots have nothing to do with how old you are, but rather how much time you've spent in the sun. It makes sense that the longer you live the more likely your skin will be subjected to more and more sun damage, but not necessarily.

In my practice as a dermatologist, I see patients for a variety of skin conditions but one of the most common questions asked is, "How do I get rid of these brown spots?" Liver spots, as they are sometimes called, are usually harmless and don't necessarily need treatment. They appear as flat, gray, brown, or black spots on the face, hands, shoulders and arms.

Age spots can resemble cancerous growths so a visit to your doctor is a good idea just to be on the safe side. An evaluation of any new skin changes should be taken seriously especially if the spot is darkly pigmented, is growing larger, has an irregular shape, or has unusual coloring.

If you're a sun worshipper, you might be interested in finding out a little more about the causes of age spots and ways to prevent them from happening to you regardless of your age. Let's face it everyone wants to maintain a youthful appearance and dark spots on your skin are not attractive.

The Magic of Melanin

Your skin is made up of melanin, the dark pigment that gives your skin its normal color. Melanin is what absorbs sunlight and helps to fend off harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. When extra melanin is produced to protect the deeper layers of your skin it creates a suntan. Although most people like how they look after a day in the sun, sporting a tan is not healthy. It is your skin's way of telling you that it has been damaged.

As you get older, your skin's natural ability to produce additional melanin breaks down and sun damage takes its toll. Dark marks show up on your skin as sun or liver spots (solar lentigines), reddish-brown areas of discoloration (poikiloderma), and brownish areas (melasma).

For the most part, it takes years of sun exposure to create liver spots and they slowly build up over time. Just as dangerous as the sun are tanning lamps and tanning beds that give off the same UV rays. Other risk factors that make you more susceptible to developing age spots include fair skin tone, genetics, and a history of intense sunburn.

Prevention or Removal - Take Your Pick!

Obviously the best way to get rid of age spots is to prevent them from developing in the first place. Prevention means sun avoidance and constant sun protection which might be difficult but not impossible. One of the worst culprits to causing sun exposure occurs while driving your car. Glass protects you 100% from UVB rays, the light that causes a burn but not the UVA rays, those responsible for sun damage and aging skin. It helps to install a UVA protective shield on your car windows or have them tinted to help protect your exposure to harmful rays.

Of course, the importance of sunscreen cannot be understated. Wear sunscreen all the time as part of your daily routine. Just because your skin is already damaged is no reason to neglect it now. It will help prevent further harm and age spotting by applying sunscreen on face, hands, and other parts of your body exposed to sunlight.

Prevention is great advice but what if the damage has already been done? There are ways to remove or minimize skin spots and discoloration. Listed here are some of the most successful techniques I recommend as do other skin doctors.

*Spot Lightening - There are some over-the-counter bleaching creams available that contain a 2% solution of hydroquinone that help fade spots. You may need a stronger solution if you are trying to lighten dark spots. In this case a prescription is necessary. Please be careful to follow directions and consult your doctor first to avoid possible skin irritation if left on too long.

*Alpha hydroxy acid lotion - These are mild natural acids derived from sugarcane, fruit and milk. Glycolic acid is the most commonly used and is noted for its exfoliating qualities. When applied directly to the skin it looses old dead cells on the surface and speeds the growth of new cells underneath thereby helping to shed age spots. Many of my patients see results in as little as 60 days while others take longer.

*Cover up - There is nothing wrong with a little camouflage to smooth out your skin's discoloration. You can find heavier foundations at major department stores that match your skin tone or ask your dermatologist to recommend a product line that he has found that works best for his patients.

*Peels - There are a variety of chemical peels that contain higher percentages of alpha hydroxyl acid as well as other stronger solutions. Chemical peels should be performed by a qualified dermatologist or skin technician. When all else fails, there are other more extreme spot removal techniques available that include laser resurfacing and intense pulsed light therapy.

Nothing beats a sunny day to lift your spirits and warm your soul. I would be the last person to tell you not
to appreciate all the wonderful vitamin D the sun provides. Go ahead and bask in all its goodness but remember to guard your skin from the harmful rays the sun produces. Make it a habit to apply a sunscreen after you wash your face every day. Look for a nonchemical sunscreen containing titanium dioxide which reflects both the rays that cause burning and sun damage to the skin.

Start now to safeguard your epidermis, the outer layer of your skin. Keep it youthful by protecting it from the harsh environment, particularly overexposure to the sun. You will be happy you did, now and for many years to come!

Jay Brachfeld, M.D.
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