Business & Finance Social Media

How to Curb the Dangers of Chat Rooms for Teenagers

Every now and then, we'd hear horrible stories about online chat for teenagers that posed dangers to kids.
What started as a casual online social communion with other teenagers could end up horribly wrong for some poor unsuspecting kids.
We've heard stories about kids being sexually harassed, bullied and conned by unscrupulous individuals who masked themselves as someone whom kids could trust.
The dangers are real, and thousands of kids are being exposed to these real threats everyday.
Unscrupulous people who victimize unsuspecting kids have their way of carefully concealing themselves.
Little wonder that even mature people fall for their gimmicks.
There's just very little thing we could do these days to unmask these cyber criminals.
However, if parents, as well as teenagers can be very vigilant, online crimes that victimize kids could be significantly avoided.
Safeguards should be kept in place so kids would have a more meaningful and safer means to socialize with friends online.
Just how can parents and kids cooperate to so that kids can stay out of harm's way whenever they socialize with their friends online? Constant supervision on chatting for teenagers is key to allaying the fears of the dangers that could be lurking within chat rooms.
This isn't to say that parents should always stick around with their kids on each site that their kids go into, but parents should see to it that they know which chat rooms their kids are logging on to, and they should know who their kids are talking to.
Certain specialized software can be used for this purpose.
Such software have automated features that identify which sites are potentially dangerous and these could allow parents to police their kids' online activities and see to it that their kids are out of harm's way.
Websites that run on-site chat rooms for kids should also put someone in charge to monitor the chat rooms' conversations.
At the first sign of bullying and any other suspicious conversation, website owners should step in and keep the chat room conversation safe and wholesome.
Best of all, parents should guide their children on the proper ways of using chat rooms for teenagers.
Kids and parents should have an agreement as to which sites kids could visit and agree with the time that they could visit those sites.
It's a compromise that kids and parents should reach, a win-win solution to keep kids out of harm's way.
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