The more non-performing alternative energy initiatives forced on the Utility companies the higher the cost of energy for everyone.
Why? Because most of these green energy schemes are hugely subsidized and thus, increase the cost of our energy, therefore hurting families that are on a budget and making our manufacturing companies less competitive and our small businesses unprofitable.
Now let's talk about wind generation.
The reality is that wind by itself will never be enough and solar would require outrageous numbers of acres to perform what we need.
Further, the availability of transmission lines near these projects means additionally lines costing 100s of billions of dollars to supply even 10% of the amount of energy this great nation uses.
There should be a mix of our energy generation, but should have to compete for cost against current methods.
Why not challenge our entrepreneurs, innovators, researchers, scientists, and inventors to come up with efficient designs.
Speaking of which there are some on the way that can compete and within 5-years the solar efficiency and cost to produce can compete and beat other forms of energy generation.
I say fine, when it makes sense for the environment, cost AND efficiency then go for it.
Forcing it before its time will prolong the reality of an alternative energy future.
We should not make alternative energy into a religion, we need to do what works and stop the charade because in the end, survive or fail, we are all on the hook for the whole thing, and we ought to never forget this truth.
Think on it.
Why? Because most of these green energy schemes are hugely subsidized and thus, increase the cost of our energy, therefore hurting families that are on a budget and making our manufacturing companies less competitive and our small businesses unprofitable.
Now let's talk about wind generation.
The reality is that wind by itself will never be enough and solar would require outrageous numbers of acres to perform what we need.
Further, the availability of transmission lines near these projects means additionally lines costing 100s of billions of dollars to supply even 10% of the amount of energy this great nation uses.
There should be a mix of our energy generation, but should have to compete for cost against current methods.
Why not challenge our entrepreneurs, innovators, researchers, scientists, and inventors to come up with efficient designs.
Speaking of which there are some on the way that can compete and within 5-years the solar efficiency and cost to produce can compete and beat other forms of energy generation.
I say fine, when it makes sense for the environment, cost AND efficiency then go for it.
Forcing it before its time will prolong the reality of an alternative energy future.
We should not make alternative energy into a religion, we need to do what works and stop the charade because in the end, survive or fail, we are all on the hook for the whole thing, and we ought to never forget this truth.
Think on it.