Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What Causes Cellulite to Appear and How You Can Treat Cellulite Effectively

A curse to many women, cellulite is formed close to the skin surface and produces a number of wrinkled fat cells intermixed with the connective tissue and produces that strange âEUR~orange peel' effect most of us have witnessed.
Most women carry excess fat in thighs and buttocks, but this condition is not confined just to the overweight as it is in reality, a lumpy substance that looks more like cottage cheese that forms beneath the skin.
The fats just below the skin surface push against the tissue which results in the skin surface having that dimpled look common of cellulite.
It may still be some time before medical science arrives at a definitive reason for why some people are more prone to this than others but it may have something to do with how toxins are held in the cells of some people.
One thing is certain though and that is as a persons age increases, the amount of this fatty tissue increases in the same way that wrinkles also form which is probably due to the reduction of the two components that keep the skin looking young; collagen and elastin.
It is normally classified as a problem caused by hormones and is why men rarely suffer with the condition as fat in their bodies is consistent throughout.
It is not uncommon to only see the cellulite when the skin is pinched between the fingers at which pint it can normally be felt as well but it is a very common complaint amongst women.
Although it may not be known what causes, some factors seem to contribute to its build up including age, sex, extra fat carried and skin thickness all seem to aid the formation.
As medical science cannot prove conclusively what causes the problem, it makes it difficult creating a cure even though a number have been tried including special burning creams.
One method that hides the cellulite quite well by puffing the skin is deep massage and an increasing number of clinics are now offering this therapy.
Liposuction is sometimes used to remove fats generally from the body and can be attempted for this condition as well but the use of drugs injected into the cells to remove it is costly and out of reach for most women.
These known remedies offer only temporary relief and are likewise not advisable as liposuction for example should only be used to remove deep fats and is not very effective in the removal of cellulite.
Unfortunately at the moment there isn't a magic formula for removal and it may be some time before it is found although some companies claim that they have creams that are effective but this seems to be better at hiding the effects.
The most successful regimes so far are to adopt regular exercise, a good nutritious low-fat diet plan and reduce extra weight where possible.
Many of the toxins that aid cellulite formation in the cells can be removed by drinking plenty of water every day not to mention the other health benefits of drinking water which include weight reduction.
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