Through play, your child develops the following skills...
Language Development With each new part of play, every new activity or toy, a fresh establishment of words will be required to explain the play that is taking place.
Play is a very strong tool for developing a child's language as play in later childhood is important on social relationships and language will be required to develop and support these.
All types of play permit a child to practice his language.
Physical Development Play can develop co-ordination and direction of your child's bodily actions as there are chances to run, hop, skip and jump which develop muscle tone and balance.
Throwing and catching assist to develop his gross and fine motor skills.
Physical activities will also develop confidence in him.
Emotional Development Play is useful as an expression for your child's feelings, both negative and positive...
for instance...
he may let extreme annoyance out on his toys appropriately than on other children or grown-ups, and during this will discover to direct anger helpfully.
Being the same, he may indicate love and affection during pretend play.
Calm activities can demonstrate an impressive outlet for your child who requires time and space to be lonely.
Social Development Your child will learn about for the first time to form relationships with others during play.
His nursery or playgroup will assist to develop the skills needed for understanding both adults and children.
He will learn about social skills such as taking turns and sharing and will become aware of others emotions and start to be able to take those emotions into account.
Cognitive/Intellectual Development Through play, your child develop realisation of general ideas.
He's able to investigate unusual materials such as dry and wet sand, attempting something unusual in different ways and finding the answer to something difficult to deal with.
This explanation starts with your young baby playing with the toes and carries on as this develops a skill to grip objects and investigating with the mouth in a powerful manner.
He will attempt something unusual with objects that he can act or make a noise with, and so begin to realise cause and effect.
Language Development With each new part of play, every new activity or toy, a fresh establishment of words will be required to explain the play that is taking place.
Play is a very strong tool for developing a child's language as play in later childhood is important on social relationships and language will be required to develop and support these.
All types of play permit a child to practice his language.
Physical Development Play can develop co-ordination and direction of your child's bodily actions as there are chances to run, hop, skip and jump which develop muscle tone and balance.
Throwing and catching assist to develop his gross and fine motor skills.
Physical activities will also develop confidence in him.
Emotional Development Play is useful as an expression for your child's feelings, both negative and positive...
for instance...
he may let extreme annoyance out on his toys appropriately than on other children or grown-ups, and during this will discover to direct anger helpfully.
Being the same, he may indicate love and affection during pretend play.
Calm activities can demonstrate an impressive outlet for your child who requires time and space to be lonely.
Social Development Your child will learn about for the first time to form relationships with others during play.
His nursery or playgroup will assist to develop the skills needed for understanding both adults and children.
He will learn about social skills such as taking turns and sharing and will become aware of others emotions and start to be able to take those emotions into account.
Cognitive/Intellectual Development Through play, your child develop realisation of general ideas.
He's able to investigate unusual materials such as dry and wet sand, attempting something unusual in different ways and finding the answer to something difficult to deal with.
This explanation starts with your young baby playing with the toes and carries on as this develops a skill to grip objects and investigating with the mouth in a powerful manner.
He will attempt something unusual with objects that he can act or make a noise with, and so begin to realise cause and effect.