Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Chlamydia LGV Symptoms


    • For most people suffering from LVG, they will begin to experience the formation of small sores in and around the area of exposure. Usually, these sores break open to form ulcer on and in the genitals as well as the rectum. But unlike most sores or ulcers associated with STDs, those linked to LVG cause little (if any) pain for the sufferers.


    • Besides the formation of sores, many people with LVG manifest the symptom of swelling. This swelling is usually isolated to the glands found in the groin and pelvis as well as the rectum. The reason for this is that the LVG bacteria target the lymph nodes of the affected individual, causing these glands to become irritated and inflamed. For some people, this inflammation of the lymph node may come with an added pain or discomfort.


    • LVG also prompts people to suffer from a certain level of discharge. This discharge is a result of the bacteria attacking the lymph nodes. As the bacteria infiltrate the walls of the lymph nodes, these glands can begin to secrete fluid. The fluid would make its way through whichever means it has entered a person's system, meaning that it will leak from the penis, vagina or rectum if this was the initial area of exposure.

    Bowel Disruptions

    • Depending on the severity of the infection, some people may begin to notice a disruption in their bowel movements. For some, it will be the presence of blood in their stool. With this particular symptom, the blood may be seen directly in the stool itself or may change the actual appearance of the stool, making it dark and tarry. For others, it will be a change in the frequency and consistency of their bowel movements, becoming harder or looser than normal.


    • It's also not uncommon for people suffering with LVG to experience some pain and discomfort with their bowel movements. Typically, this is due to any inflammation of the glands in the rectum as well as any contact the stool may make with open sores present in this same area. This particular symptom may also come about as an abdominal pain or discomfort.

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