- A Certified Disability Specialist develops a case by gathering information, analyzing evidence and submitting a written argument to Social Security on why the applicant qualifies for disability benefits. Federal law requires Social Security to review the advocate's argument before making a decision on granting the applicant disability income. The applicant has a better chance of receiving an approval for benefits by hiring a well-written and educated specialist.
- Disability Specialists use a streamlined approach as they navigate the application process for the disabled. Social Security rules and regulations change frequently, and the application process is a complex, so hiring a disability specialist gives the applicant an edge. The applicant receives benefits faster and does not have to handle the paperwork or other evidence.
- Certified Disability Specialists do not receive certification from an education authority or other governing body. Certification comes from learning and recognition. It is impossible to learn the ins and outs of Social Security without in-depth knowledge or study of its workings and processes. Social Security recognizes a disability specialist as a certified representative, when the applicant submits this request in writing, using Form SSA-1696 Request for Representation.
- New enactments allow certain disabilities to apply for advanced standing and have their application processed quicker than those applicants with other types of disabilities. The speedier the process, the less a Certified Disability Specialist makes because their income relies on a percentage of Social Security back pay owed to the applicant. Back pay is the amount of money owed, from the day the applicant became disabled, until the day Social Security disperses the first check.
- Most disability specialists charge a fee of at least ten percent of the benefit award, but beneficiaries did not pay the fee when they received the benefits. Now, Social Security requires recognized specialists to submit Form SSA-1699 so they can receive the fee from Social Security instead of the beneficiary, automatically deducting the fees from the award amount.
- Some applications are over 1000 days old. Often, the applicant does not submit prompt and thorough information required from Social Security. A Certified Disability Specialist can get your approval within days. The time frame for processing the application varies depending on who submits the application, the type of disability you have, and the amount of paperwork involved. Other factors such as applications in process ahead of you also determine the processing time.
Time Frame