- These cheats will make your character unstoppable. Enter the console, type "God" and press "Enter" to enable "Godmode." "Godmode" makes your character immune to damage. Type "Speed" and press "Enter" to make your character move faster. Get both "Godmode" and greater speed at the same time by typing "Godspeed" and pressing "Enter." Make the monsters stop in their tracks by typing "AIFreeze" and pressing "Enter." Type "Playernotarget" and press "Enter" to get the monsters to stop attacking you.
- Save time and use some cheats to enhance your character. For these cheats, replace the "#" signs with the amount of enhancement you want. Enter the console, type "Money #" and press "Enter" to give yourself more gold. Type "Statpoints #" and press "Enter" to gain stat points. "Strength #" gives you more strength. "Dexterity #" ups your "Dexterity" value, and "Magic #" increases your "Magic." "Defense #" boosts your defense. Set all your stats at once by typing "Allstats #" and pressing "Enter." Assign your own "Fame" level by typing "Fame #" and pressing "Enter."
- Save yourself the trouble of finding items by giving yourself whatever items you want. Enter the console. Type "Helmet" and press "Enter" to get a list of available helmets. The "#" sign represents the number of the item in the list. Type "helmet #" and press "Enter" to get that helmet. You can get any type of item in this manner. To get a particular list of items, type in either "Helmet," "Trinket," "Chest Armor," "Shoulder Armor," "Belt," "Gloves," "Boots," "Weapon," "Scroll," "Socketable," "Fish," "Spell" or "Potion" and press "Enter."
- Cheats can also make completing quests in "Torchlight" easier. Enter the console. Type in "Restartlevel" and press "Enter" to restart a level. Typing "Quests" gives you a list of all quests. The "Questactive" command sets a particular quest to active. Automatically complete a quest by typing "Questcomplete." Type "Difficulty" to see the current difficulty level. To change this level, type "Setdifficulty #," where the "#" represents the difficulty level you want. Press "Enter" after typing one of these commands to activate that command.
Character Cheats
Enhancement Cheats
Getting Items