Knowing the fundamental facts about alcoholism is crucial in order for a person to have a clearer understanding of the disease of alcoholism in the first instance.
By comprehending the basic, elementary drug or alcoholism facts, you will be more able to access assistance and deal with alcoholism should you ever be in a position in your own life when that becomes necessary - either for yourself or for someone you know and care about.
So, how do we define alcoholism? Basically, alcoholism is defined as a disease that is characterized by the presence of four primary symptoms in most cases: * when alcohol is consumed the patient loses control * the patient has a strong craving alcohol * the patient develop an increased tolerance of alcohol over time * the patient is physical dependent of alcohol Is alcoholism really a disease? Most of the researchers and experts do consider alcoholism to be a disease.
These researchers and medical practitioners seem to agree that the underlying symptom of this disease is a craving or need for alcohol consumption.
The craving for alcohol itself can be as powerful and as intense as the need for food and water.
The nature of this disease is such that a person will keep drinking alcohol even though he or she experiences extreme problems physically, mentally, emotionally, legally and socially.
Can alcoholism really be cured? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
Alcoholism is a chronic illness that can be controlled but not cured.
One of the most prominent of the alcoholism facts to keep is that the disease of alcoholism can be managed through treatment and through a responsible and reasonable relapse prevention plan.
If you wonder whether alcoholism can be treated, the answer is much more positive.
As I mentioned above, there are alcoholism treatment options available to people who are suffering from the disease of alcoholism.
There have been many discussions whether alcoholism treatment works or not.
Although facts about alcoholism tell us that a large part of treated and restored patients, start to consume alcohol after a while and often repeat this pattern several times, many alcohol addicts are restored and are living normal lives for long periods.
So the answer is yes.
Research and facts about alcoholism show that the key to a successful treatment and a sustainable recovery, is that the the patient is willing to live a healthy and sober life by making the effort necessary to make it possible.
By comprehending the basic, elementary drug or alcoholism facts, you will be more able to access assistance and deal with alcoholism should you ever be in a position in your own life when that becomes necessary - either for yourself or for someone you know and care about.
So, how do we define alcoholism? Basically, alcoholism is defined as a disease that is characterized by the presence of four primary symptoms in most cases: * when alcohol is consumed the patient loses control * the patient has a strong craving alcohol * the patient develop an increased tolerance of alcohol over time * the patient is physical dependent of alcohol Is alcoholism really a disease? Most of the researchers and experts do consider alcoholism to be a disease.
These researchers and medical practitioners seem to agree that the underlying symptom of this disease is a craving or need for alcohol consumption.
The craving for alcohol itself can be as powerful and as intense as the need for food and water.
The nature of this disease is such that a person will keep drinking alcohol even though he or she experiences extreme problems physically, mentally, emotionally, legally and socially.
Can alcoholism really be cured? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
Alcoholism is a chronic illness that can be controlled but not cured.
One of the most prominent of the alcoholism facts to keep is that the disease of alcoholism can be managed through treatment and through a responsible and reasonable relapse prevention plan.
If you wonder whether alcoholism can be treated, the answer is much more positive.
As I mentioned above, there are alcoholism treatment options available to people who are suffering from the disease of alcoholism.
There have been many discussions whether alcoholism treatment works or not.
Although facts about alcoholism tell us that a large part of treated and restored patients, start to consume alcohol after a while and often repeat this pattern several times, many alcohol addicts are restored and are living normal lives for long periods.
So the answer is yes.
Research and facts about alcoholism show that the key to a successful treatment and a sustainable recovery, is that the the patient is willing to live a healthy and sober life by making the effort necessary to make it possible.