At what age should you be concerned with anti-aging strategies? When considering your body's largest organ, your skin, that concern should begin as soon as you exit the womb! Protection of your skin from damage caused by the environment and the sun can be attacked from the outside as well as the inside.
With all the talk of skin cancers and the dangers sun exposure, many of us are already aware of the need to slather on a good lotion or sunscreen containing an SPF that guards against the harmful rays of the sun.
The side benefit to all this lotion absorption, especially to the skin on the face, is that it can minimize the aging effects of the sun.
Many women would agree that a good anti-aging strategy is to always put your best face forward.
And, to have one that has fewer lines and sun spots because it's been protected is a good start.
A second strategy for keeping your skin healthy, with a youthful glow, is to drink enough water each day.
Hydration helps your internal system of cells work properly and avoid unnecessary breakdown which can result in signs of aging.
Another internal measure to include in your anti-aging regiment is to provide your body with the anti-oxidants needed for optimal cell functions.
Vitamin C has been widely publicized as an effective support for our skin; however, a newcomer to this field is through the anti-oxidant CoQ-10.
It is believed that CoQ-10 has better stabilization and is not as sensitive to light or air as the other free radical fighters, Vitamins C, E and Green Tea extracts.
It is important to encourage successful anti-aging from the inside, out.
Start with healthy cells, your foundation.
Follow that with protection from negative outside elements such as sun and pollution.
With all the talk of skin cancers and the dangers sun exposure, many of us are already aware of the need to slather on a good lotion or sunscreen containing an SPF that guards against the harmful rays of the sun.
The side benefit to all this lotion absorption, especially to the skin on the face, is that it can minimize the aging effects of the sun.
Many women would agree that a good anti-aging strategy is to always put your best face forward.
And, to have one that has fewer lines and sun spots because it's been protected is a good start.
A second strategy for keeping your skin healthy, with a youthful glow, is to drink enough water each day.
Hydration helps your internal system of cells work properly and avoid unnecessary breakdown which can result in signs of aging.
Another internal measure to include in your anti-aging regiment is to provide your body with the anti-oxidants needed for optimal cell functions.
Vitamin C has been widely publicized as an effective support for our skin; however, a newcomer to this field is through the anti-oxidant CoQ-10.
It is believed that CoQ-10 has better stabilization and is not as sensitive to light or air as the other free radical fighters, Vitamins C, E and Green Tea extracts.
It is important to encourage successful anti-aging from the inside, out.
Start with healthy cells, your foundation.
Follow that with protection from negative outside elements such as sun and pollution.