Anxiety and feeling anxious is one of our innate emotional states.
Who has not experienced apprehension about sitting for a particularly important exam or about making a presentation or speaking in public or a host of other challenges that really are not that big a deal but some how still make us feel less than able and cause us to worry about how we are going to perform.
It is when our anxiousness gets out of control and starts to get in the way of our being able to perform the simple day to day tasks that make up our life that we need to do something about it.
If our level of anxiety gets to this point we really need to look at the issue in more depth and attempt to find out the reason why we are anxious and what we can do about it The cause of anxiety is commonly established through a wide range of elements.
Generally, individuals experience a feeling of being overwhelmed and that a number of things are coming at them all of a sudden and they can not take it any longer.
A typical example would be an office executive, who has to handle a stressful and difficult routine complete with staff difficulties and deadline pressures and the like, who at the end of the day arrives home to a whining spouse and screaming children, all the while having to deal with the constant chatter of their own mind as they constantly worry about the house and car payments, inflation and whether there is going to be enough money to pay for all the expenses.
Investigating The Anxiety Sufferer's Past History And Current Situation In all cases, it is the sufferer themselves who can be the greatest assistance to figure out the specific causes of their anxiety.
Psychiatrists and psychotherapists frequently require the anxiety sufferer to maintain a detailed diary about their anxiety signs and symptoms and the issues contributing to the anxiety attacks.
The patient is required to make note of their thoughts and feelings before the anxiety attack begins and to make note of the specific circumstances that were occurring at the time.
Frequently, the causes of the anxiety attack can be ascertained by looking back over these journal entries and noticing the most common triggers that sets of the anxiety attack.
A detailed personal history of the anxiety sufferer's childhood and teenage years will usually offer some clues and help work out the cause of the anxiety.
Painful events from the past, especially those occurring during childhood, can create a lasting impression predisposing someone to experience anxiety attacks many years later.
The passing of someone who is loved in a hospital could cause someone to have a strong irrational fear of doctors, nurses and hospitals themselves for many years if not the rest of their life.
Or perhaps an attack by a dog which most children experience at one time could lead to an unreasonable life long fearfulness or phobic reaction to dogs.
The anxiety sufferer is generally unaware of these thoughts and feelings, until they are uncovered by investigating their past Desensitization Procedure Establishing the cause of someones anxiety is the most crucial aspect of conquering that anxiety.
The disorder can be addressed in small stages once the root cause of the disorder has been ascertained.
A gradual desensitization process may be applied to assist the sufferer get over their fears slowly over a period of time.
Who has not experienced apprehension about sitting for a particularly important exam or about making a presentation or speaking in public or a host of other challenges that really are not that big a deal but some how still make us feel less than able and cause us to worry about how we are going to perform.
It is when our anxiousness gets out of control and starts to get in the way of our being able to perform the simple day to day tasks that make up our life that we need to do something about it.
If our level of anxiety gets to this point we really need to look at the issue in more depth and attempt to find out the reason why we are anxious and what we can do about it The cause of anxiety is commonly established through a wide range of elements.
Generally, individuals experience a feeling of being overwhelmed and that a number of things are coming at them all of a sudden and they can not take it any longer.
A typical example would be an office executive, who has to handle a stressful and difficult routine complete with staff difficulties and deadline pressures and the like, who at the end of the day arrives home to a whining spouse and screaming children, all the while having to deal with the constant chatter of their own mind as they constantly worry about the house and car payments, inflation and whether there is going to be enough money to pay for all the expenses.
Investigating The Anxiety Sufferer's Past History And Current Situation In all cases, it is the sufferer themselves who can be the greatest assistance to figure out the specific causes of their anxiety.
Psychiatrists and psychotherapists frequently require the anxiety sufferer to maintain a detailed diary about their anxiety signs and symptoms and the issues contributing to the anxiety attacks.
The patient is required to make note of their thoughts and feelings before the anxiety attack begins and to make note of the specific circumstances that were occurring at the time.
Frequently, the causes of the anxiety attack can be ascertained by looking back over these journal entries and noticing the most common triggers that sets of the anxiety attack.
A detailed personal history of the anxiety sufferer's childhood and teenage years will usually offer some clues and help work out the cause of the anxiety.
Painful events from the past, especially those occurring during childhood, can create a lasting impression predisposing someone to experience anxiety attacks many years later.
The passing of someone who is loved in a hospital could cause someone to have a strong irrational fear of doctors, nurses and hospitals themselves for many years if not the rest of their life.
Or perhaps an attack by a dog which most children experience at one time could lead to an unreasonable life long fearfulness or phobic reaction to dogs.
The anxiety sufferer is generally unaware of these thoughts and feelings, until they are uncovered by investigating their past Desensitization Procedure Establishing the cause of someones anxiety is the most crucial aspect of conquering that anxiety.
The disorder can be addressed in small stages once the root cause of the disorder has been ascertained.
A gradual desensitization process may be applied to assist the sufferer get over their fears slowly over a period of time.