- 1). Open the saved picture file in "Microsoft Office Picture Manager."
- 2). Click on "Edit Pictures" on the Formatting toolbar.
- 3). Click on "Color" in the "Edit Pictures" pane to the right of the picture. This pane includes "Hue and saturation settings."
- 4). Click on the "Hue and saturation settings," such as "Amount" or "Hue." Click on the slider to achieve the desired effect. You can also enter a value in the settings text box.
- 5). Save this file as a copy with a file name different from the original file. Click on the "File" menu.
- 6). Click on "Save As."
- 7). Enter the file name in the "File name" box.
- 8). Click on the "Save" button. This saved file is different from the original file.