Your pup can easily learn to 'sit', so this is an excellent place to begin obedience training.
This is in fact one of the commands that is most useful and so most used.
Why Is How To Train Your Dog To Sit Such A Vital Task For You To Learn? 1.
Using the "SIT" command to begin ensures that your pup will get off to a great start.
His self-assurance will grow quickly once he has gotten really good at following this command and begins getting the returns for his efforts.
This success will make it easier for starting further and very often harder commands that your pup must learn if he is to become a 'good citizen'.
He will, in addition to mastering this command, have one that helps socialize him.
When your pup can carry out this command quickly and easily it is a great assistance in reinforcing general good behavior.
One common example of bad puppy behavior that other people find embarrassing and annoying is when your pup jumps all over them.
Now, when you return to the house if your pup jumps on you then you have the precise command to stop this.
An added benefit is that you are also reinforcing who is the master.
When To Carry Out This Training? This command to sit does not have to begin when you go to obedience classes.
Begin at home with no more than 5 minute training sessions.
When you see they can concentrate for this long, extend the sessions one minute at a time.
How ToBegin 5.
Of course all young dogs have to sit at some time and they do it on their own.
But they wouldn't know what to 'sit' is, or that it is a desirable behavior.
When you begin, watch your pup around the home.
When they begin to sit, (or are already sitting) give the command to 'sit'.
Of course you then give them praise.
Pretty quickly they will realize that what they are doing is 'sitting' and both you and your puppy will feel good about because he has done this thing called 'sit'.
Persistence Is The Key To succeed with this, as with almost anything in life, you have to persist.
Keep in mind that the beauty of this system is that any time is a good time to practice.
You can be anyplace - in your yard, at the dog park, on the beach, at the vet's.
Just keep repeating 'sit' when they are sitting or are about to sit.
Very soon you will find they have complete mastery over the command.
And of course don't forget the praise because this will make both you and your puppy feel great about the whole process.
If Your Dog Is Older 8.
If your puppy is already older and you haven't carried out this training process (or if you have a fully grown dog), there is another method that can be used.
Stand right in front of your dog with a treat ready.
Very deliberately lift the treat up higher, but just near his nose.
Your dog's nose will naturally go into the air and his bottom will go down and of course he will finish sitting on the ground.
This method is not such a good one for young puppies because they still want to jump in the air all the time.
If you have already trained your pup not to jump, then give this method a go.
If it does happen to jump, take your hand away.
Then begin again with your hand closer to his nose and not back over his head.
If you wish to learn all the skills you could ever possibly need to train your dog in all areas so that it becomes a happy, well-behaved and valued family pet.
go to my site listed below.
This is in fact one of the commands that is most useful and so most used.
Why Is How To Train Your Dog To Sit Such A Vital Task For You To Learn? 1.
Using the "SIT" command to begin ensures that your pup will get off to a great start.
His self-assurance will grow quickly once he has gotten really good at following this command and begins getting the returns for his efforts.
This success will make it easier for starting further and very often harder commands that your pup must learn if he is to become a 'good citizen'.
He will, in addition to mastering this command, have one that helps socialize him.
When your pup can carry out this command quickly and easily it is a great assistance in reinforcing general good behavior.
One common example of bad puppy behavior that other people find embarrassing and annoying is when your pup jumps all over them.
Now, when you return to the house if your pup jumps on you then you have the precise command to stop this.
An added benefit is that you are also reinforcing who is the master.
When To Carry Out This Training? This command to sit does not have to begin when you go to obedience classes.
Begin at home with no more than 5 minute training sessions.
When you see they can concentrate for this long, extend the sessions one minute at a time.
How ToBegin 5.
Of course all young dogs have to sit at some time and they do it on their own.
But they wouldn't know what to 'sit' is, or that it is a desirable behavior.
When you begin, watch your pup around the home.
When they begin to sit, (or are already sitting) give the command to 'sit'.
Of course you then give them praise.
Pretty quickly they will realize that what they are doing is 'sitting' and both you and your puppy will feel good about because he has done this thing called 'sit'.
Persistence Is The Key To succeed with this, as with almost anything in life, you have to persist.
Keep in mind that the beauty of this system is that any time is a good time to practice.
You can be anyplace - in your yard, at the dog park, on the beach, at the vet's.
Just keep repeating 'sit' when they are sitting or are about to sit.
Very soon you will find they have complete mastery over the command.
And of course don't forget the praise because this will make both you and your puppy feel great about the whole process.
If Your Dog Is Older 8.
If your puppy is already older and you haven't carried out this training process (or if you have a fully grown dog), there is another method that can be used.
Stand right in front of your dog with a treat ready.
Very deliberately lift the treat up higher, but just near his nose.
Your dog's nose will naturally go into the air and his bottom will go down and of course he will finish sitting on the ground.
This method is not such a good one for young puppies because they still want to jump in the air all the time.
If you have already trained your pup not to jump, then give this method a go.
If it does happen to jump, take your hand away.
Then begin again with your hand closer to his nose and not back over his head.
If you wish to learn all the skills you could ever possibly need to train your dog in all areas so that it becomes a happy, well-behaved and valued family pet.
go to my site listed below.