Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

3 Ways to Tell If an Immigration Lawyer Is Lying to You

What should you do before hiring an immigration lawyer for any reason? If you are paying anyone to work for you, it is wise to check their credentials.
This is a profession just like any other - there are ethical lawyers and unethical lawyers.
Rather than finding out later that you have been the victim of an unethical lawyer, do the research before hiring them and protect yourself.
There are a few things that you should be aware of when hiring an immigration lawyer.
Better safe than sorry is an old adage that is true in a lot of situations and it is even more so when it comes to your hard-earned money as well as your future.
What are the three major things that should sound the alarm bells when you are considering an immigration attorney? * An immigration lawyer that guarantees you that proceedings will go in your favor is lying.
When applying for an immigrant visa, the applicant must prove that they are eligible.
This application goes to immigration and the ultimate decision lies with them.
* A lawyer who advertises a 100% guarantee or assures you of the outcome is not telling you the truth.
Their job is to make sure all the proper forms are filed and represent a client to the best of their ability.
The best lawyers in the country do not win every time; therefore they cannot assure you that your application will be approved.
* An attorney who advises you to lie on your application is not an ethical lawyer.
Not only can this result in you not getting your application approved, but you could be put in prison.
Yes, this is a very real possibility.
The U.
government is very thorough and they take fraud seriously.
The least that can happen is that you will be deported and will not get another chance to apply for residency.
The worst is being prosecuted for criminal fraud.
* A lawyer who tells you to lie about your background - any arrests or time spent in jail - or your home country or even when you entered the U.
can cause problems that you do not need.
If you hire a lawyer that advises you to do any of these things, get rid of this lawyer immediately.
* Beware of lawyers who tell you they can get your application approved because they have inside contacts.
There are many scams that prey on unsuspecting immigrants.
The person who approaches you and tells you this may not even be a lawyer.
There are safeguards in place to prevent the outcome of an application from being influenced.
This is another situation that could result in you serving time in prison.
Immigration scams are unfortunately a very real possibility.
There are many people who realize that immigrants are vulnerable.
If they are given bad advice or promises are made that are not possible to fulfill, they count on fear and vulnerability to prevent them from being reported to the proper authorities.
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