- 1). Log in to your site's Web server. Open the HTML document that includes the HTML and JavaScript text box drop-down code.
- 2). Locate the section of the page that includes the drop-down code. This code will begin with a <form> tag and will end with a </form> tag. In between these tags you will see some other HTML tags and some JavaScript that looks something like this:
onClick="window.location=document.guideform.guidelinks.options[document.guideform.guidelinks.selectedIndex].value - 3). Click and drag your cursor over all the text from the "<form>" tag to the "</form>" tag to select it.
- 4). Press the "Ctrl" and "X" keys to remove this section of code from the page.
- 5). Publish the page. The text box drop-down menus are no longer on the page.