Every once in a while, we encounter dogs that are unfamiliar and appears to be aggressive. Some of them may be owned by a friend, a relative, or even the owners of the house or a place that you will be staying in.
Through the years, there have been thousands of people injured by a dog that isn't familiar to them. Some of these dog bite injuries doesn't necessitate treatment while there are those that would require extensive treatments, and possibly, even re-construction procedure.
To prevent attacks made by unfamiliar dogs, it is best to:
€ Avoid eye contact with the dogs
€ Never intimidate and play with them while they're eating or nursing
€ Never tap or place your hand on a dog. You should extend the back of your hand and let him come to you
€ Never leave your child alone with an unfamiliar dog
In case of attacks, the pet owner will be held liable for the medical expenses as well as the damages that his dog has caused. So, it will also be wise for a dog owner to:
€ Place the dog in an area that is not frequented by house guests
€ Secure violent dogs with a leash or fence
€ Never leave guests, especially children, alone with the dog
€ Advise your house guests of the dog's behavior
€ Never starve and maltreat the dog
Though pet owners are responsible for their dog's action, there are also instances when other parties such as the dog's keeper and the owner of the premise where the accident occurred can also be named as plaintiffs in a dog attack case.
Dog attacks certainly inflict unnecessary physical pain and trauma to a person. Most of these dog bites will leave a mark that will forever remind the victim how violent a dog can be.
Because of this, it is necessary for a victim to immediately file a claim that should compensate for his medical expenses, pain and suffering, and even the lost wages caused by his absence from work to accommodate his injury.
It is understandable that they won't be able to immediately file a claim because of their condition. So, most victims prefer to hire a California dog bite attorney who can do all the legal work for them.
Aside from this, attorneys who are aware of the local laws can determine other expenses and non-economic damages that the victim can sought from the at-fault parties. Call them to find out how you can pursue a dog attack claim.
Through the years, there have been thousands of people injured by a dog that isn't familiar to them. Some of these dog bite injuries doesn't necessitate treatment while there are those that would require extensive treatments, and possibly, even re-construction procedure.
To prevent attacks made by unfamiliar dogs, it is best to:
€ Avoid eye contact with the dogs
€ Never intimidate and play with them while they're eating or nursing
€ Never tap or place your hand on a dog. You should extend the back of your hand and let him come to you
€ Never leave your child alone with an unfamiliar dog
In case of attacks, the pet owner will be held liable for the medical expenses as well as the damages that his dog has caused. So, it will also be wise for a dog owner to:
€ Place the dog in an area that is not frequented by house guests
€ Secure violent dogs with a leash or fence
€ Never leave guests, especially children, alone with the dog
€ Advise your house guests of the dog's behavior
€ Never starve and maltreat the dog
Though pet owners are responsible for their dog's action, there are also instances when other parties such as the dog's keeper and the owner of the premise where the accident occurred can also be named as plaintiffs in a dog attack case.
Dog attacks certainly inflict unnecessary physical pain and trauma to a person. Most of these dog bites will leave a mark that will forever remind the victim how violent a dog can be.
Because of this, it is necessary for a victim to immediately file a claim that should compensate for his medical expenses, pain and suffering, and even the lost wages caused by his absence from work to accommodate his injury.
It is understandable that they won't be able to immediately file a claim because of their condition. So, most victims prefer to hire a California dog bite attorney who can do all the legal work for them.
Aside from this, attorneys who are aware of the local laws can determine other expenses and non-economic damages that the victim can sought from the at-fault parties. Call them to find out how you can pursue a dog attack claim.