Eyelet paper lanterns present a prettiest way to decorate any space whether it's a tent, wedding reception or an elegant sit down dinner. Hanging a collection of paper lanterns from the ceiling can spruce up any decor with their illuminating effect. Eyelet paper lanterns with their small peep holes instantly cascades the room with their twinkling light, adding an instant glow to the space.
Here are the few ways to use eyelet paper lanterns:
* These lanterns can be hung by using light cords by hanging the light string at the appropriate height and placing the lantern over the strings of bulbs.
* Lanterns are a multipurpose decorative element and can be used even without lighting them up. Using them in home decor can add a distinct touch to your home design instantly. White eyelet paper lanterns will create a striking contrast against dark colored walls or can give a room a contemporary, modern feel if used with simple cream colored walls.
* Elaborate paper lanterns with exquisite designs when used as a centerpiece of your decoration can give the entire room a magical effect.
* Play with different heights and colors to give a new dimension to your decor.
Few ideas to help you design the look with eyelet lanterns:
Pick several lanterns in the same or different size but in the same color and suspend them at different heights to give a balanced look.
Creating a focal point
Get a hold of a bunch of lanterns in different sizes and hung them at a single focal of the room to create a sparkling effect. Hanging them in a cluster over the landing area or the dance floor or in the center of the wedding reception area paints a delightful picture.
Defining a space
Lanterns can be strategically used to define a space while enhancing the aesthetic value of the decorations. By placing the lanterns on the edge of the space of tents or reception area, you can beautifully create a symbolic boundary to the place.
Creating more than one focal point
Use a bunch of larger paper lanterns and hang them on one focal point and hang a bunch of smaller size ones a bit lower over other areas to draw the attention. This arrangement can be particularly useful in wedding reception area, where the larger ones can be hang over the brides table, and smaller ones can be hang over the guest tables.
How can you light the lanterns?
Eyelet perforations in the lanterns cast beautiful shadows creating a shimmering effect over the venue. They are very pretty when illuminated with light bulbs. As they create a pretty picture they are perfect for wedding decorations, party decor or for adding a dash of light to your home.
The space between the lanterns and the area where they are hanging helps in deciding what lighting will be favorable to bring out the perfect illuminating effect. One can use battery, LED lights or even solar powered lights to get the desired effect. However, when they are used in homes it is best to use permanent room lighting which can be switch off and on with a normal switch to facilitate using the lanterns with ease.
The size of the lanterns also dictates what kind of bulbs and how many bulbs you need to light the lanterns. However a candelabra bulb or standard incandescent bulb suffices the need.
Eyelet paper lanterns are inexpensive, available in different sizes and can instantly give an area a festive or exotic feel. With so many varieties in the market and their easy availability on leading online stores, they add a decorative personal touch to your venue.
Here are the few ways to use eyelet paper lanterns:
* These lanterns can be hung by using light cords by hanging the light string at the appropriate height and placing the lantern over the strings of bulbs.
* Lanterns are a multipurpose decorative element and can be used even without lighting them up. Using them in home decor can add a distinct touch to your home design instantly. White eyelet paper lanterns will create a striking contrast against dark colored walls or can give a room a contemporary, modern feel if used with simple cream colored walls.
* Elaborate paper lanterns with exquisite designs when used as a centerpiece of your decoration can give the entire room a magical effect.
* Play with different heights and colors to give a new dimension to your decor.
Few ideas to help you design the look with eyelet lanterns:
Pick several lanterns in the same or different size but in the same color and suspend them at different heights to give a balanced look.
Creating a focal point
Get a hold of a bunch of lanterns in different sizes and hung them at a single focal of the room to create a sparkling effect. Hanging them in a cluster over the landing area or the dance floor or in the center of the wedding reception area paints a delightful picture.
Defining a space
Lanterns can be strategically used to define a space while enhancing the aesthetic value of the decorations. By placing the lanterns on the edge of the space of tents or reception area, you can beautifully create a symbolic boundary to the place.
Creating more than one focal point
Use a bunch of larger paper lanterns and hang them on one focal point and hang a bunch of smaller size ones a bit lower over other areas to draw the attention. This arrangement can be particularly useful in wedding reception area, where the larger ones can be hang over the brides table, and smaller ones can be hang over the guest tables.
How can you light the lanterns?
Eyelet perforations in the lanterns cast beautiful shadows creating a shimmering effect over the venue. They are very pretty when illuminated with light bulbs. As they create a pretty picture they are perfect for wedding decorations, party decor or for adding a dash of light to your home.
The space between the lanterns and the area where they are hanging helps in deciding what lighting will be favorable to bring out the perfect illuminating effect. One can use battery, LED lights or even solar powered lights to get the desired effect. However, when they are used in homes it is best to use permanent room lighting which can be switch off and on with a normal switch to facilitate using the lanterns with ease.
The size of the lanterns also dictates what kind of bulbs and how many bulbs you need to light the lanterns. However a candelabra bulb or standard incandescent bulb suffices the need.
Eyelet paper lanterns are inexpensive, available in different sizes and can instantly give an area a festive or exotic feel. With so many varieties in the market and their easy availability on leading online stores, they add a decorative personal touch to your venue.