Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

7 Items On the To Do List Of Every Successful Freelance Writer

It is human nature to copy the best performers in their specific field.
Same goes for the writers.
If you want to become a successful freelance writer, you need to have a role model to follow.
Learn what he does; try to do the same but in your own way.
But what do the heavyweight, high-earning freelance writers do? Let us have a look at the 'to do' items, found on the list of almost every successful freelance writer.
Famous writers write a lot, so should you.
Write when you want to write, write when you don't want to write, write when you get an innovative idea, write when you don't have a clue what to write, write for your clients, write for yourself (a book, on your blog, on your webpage, on other blogs, on article directories), write when you are angry, write when you are calm, write when you are happy, write when you are sad and writer when you have to say something but nobody is there to listen.
Market my content
When you have written something, obviously you will like others to read it and give their feedback.
Many novice writers strive to earn a decent living, only because they do not market themselves properly.
Famous writers do not need to market themselves as much as newbies do, but they also do it in order to convey their message to a larger audience.
Stay in touch with my followers on social media
Every modern writer needs to have his presence felt on the social media.
I highly doubt if there will be a single writer who does not have his account on Twitter, a profile on LinkedIn, a page for fans on Facebook and so on.
Read others and learn the latest trends
Even those writers, who hit a 6 digit figure as their earning, read a lot of stuff written by others.
This helps them stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the pertinent industry.
Help others
Why would a writer, with an extremely hectic schedule, take time to help others and reply their annoying emails instead of simply brushing them off? There are some writers who may not pay any attention to a 'request for help'.
However, most of them do.
There are a lot of reasons behind this but two major of them are: they want other to avoid obstacles which made their journey difficult; the person they are helping can return the favor in one way or the other in future.
Take a break every once in a while
Does it sound like a no brainer? Well, it is not.
Everybody needs a break to spend time with family, to go out with friends, to avoid the hectic calendar for a few days and to get some fresh ideas.
Observe and learn
The common trait of all the successful writers is that they are good learners and this is a permanent item on their 'to do'.
They observe everything around them closely, and from a different perspective i.
to learn something new.
They can get an idea for their next blog post or even a book from surfing, from the writings on the can of a drink or even from a signboard on a lonely road.
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