Economies of developed counties are already running into trouble. How can we forget the panic like situation created during the recession few years back? The most affected countries were USA, UK, and Japan apart from a long list of other countries. Due to the depressing recession, companies and corporations across the globe and especially across the recession stricken countries like USA and UK were forced to cut costs to focus on their core deliverables. To excel in their primary products these companies and corporations thought to outsource their secondary liabilities to developing countries like India. Since., India has already registered itself as the world leader in the field of IT and software, companies from developed counties started looking towards India for the best offshore development services.
A question which often comes to mind is, "What are the advantages of offshore development service?" Before discussing the advantages, let us define what is known as offshore outsourcing development India.
The process of outsourcing software and application development to a company to India, for cutting costs is known as Offshore outsourcing development India. The advantages of offshore development process are as follows:
1) Low costs: By hiring an offshore development service provider a company can save up to 60% of the total costs. This cost effectiveness can give a strategic boost to the outsourcing company in terms of product development and quality improvement.
2) Offshore outsourcing development India guarantees quality services: Indian software experts and developers are famous for their best quality and on time delivery.
3) No hassle of maintaining workforce: By taking services of offshore outsourcing development India companies outsourcing companies need not to maintain a large workforce of developers or experts along with the required infrastructure. It gives them greater flexibility and freedom.
4) Customized products: Either you need an application for your banking process or an automated email system; offshore outsourcing development companies develop, test and deliver the product according to your specifications.
5) Round the clock services: Due to the gap of nearly twelve hours in the time zone of US and India, companies can get services round the clock as several offshore development services providers are open round the clock to help their clients in real time.
Xaprio is a leading IT vendor with proven capabilities in off-shore Application Development Services. Hurry up log onto to bond with the leader in the field of offshore development services.
A question which often comes to mind is, "What are the advantages of offshore development service?" Before discussing the advantages, let us define what is known as offshore outsourcing development India.
The process of outsourcing software and application development to a company to India, for cutting costs is known as Offshore outsourcing development India. The advantages of offshore development process are as follows:
1) Low costs: By hiring an offshore development service provider a company can save up to 60% of the total costs. This cost effectiveness can give a strategic boost to the outsourcing company in terms of product development and quality improvement.
2) Offshore outsourcing development India guarantees quality services: Indian software experts and developers are famous for their best quality and on time delivery.
3) No hassle of maintaining workforce: By taking services of offshore outsourcing development India companies outsourcing companies need not to maintain a large workforce of developers or experts along with the required infrastructure. It gives them greater flexibility and freedom.
4) Customized products: Either you need an application for your banking process or an automated email system; offshore outsourcing development companies develop, test and deliver the product according to your specifications.
5) Round the clock services: Due to the gap of nearly twelve hours in the time zone of US and India, companies can get services round the clock as several offshore development services providers are open round the clock to help their clients in real time.
Xaprio is a leading IT vendor with proven capabilities in off-shore Application Development Services. Hurry up log onto to bond with the leader in the field of offshore development services.