Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How to Install a Breech Bolt Buffer

    • 1). Empty the firearm of all ammunition. Lay the firearm over a blanketed tabletop or workbench, with the bottom of the stock facing upward. Remove the main stock takedown screw, which holds the stock to the barrel and receiver, using a screwdriver. Slip the stock off the receiver.

    • 2). Lay the receiver on its side. Locate the two pins that hold the trigger assembly to the receiver. Check both sides of the receiver for the pin size -- you will punch out the smaller diameter side of the pin. Place a punch peen, or small drift punch over a pin and tap it out the other side with a hammer. Repeat the process for the other pin.

    • 3). Lift the trigger assembly out of the receiver. Look on the inside of the receiver and note the steel or nylon pin that sit inside recessed holes on both sides of the receiver frame. Use a larger diameter punch peen and a hammer to knock the breech bolt buffer out of the receiver frame. If the bolt buffer appears stuck, use a hair dyer to heat it up so it loosens.

    • 4). Slip the bolt buffer out. Wipe the inside of the receiver with a dry rag, removing powder residue and old grease or oil. Apply a thin coat of oil on the inside of the receiver, but not on the new bolt buffer. Push the new bolt buffer into its guide holes, and gently tap it with a hammer until it seats.

    • 5). Reinsert the trigger assembly into the receiver, and line up the pin holes. Insert both pins into the holes by hand, in the direction they came out. Tap both pins until they seat flush. Turn the stock bottom side up and place the receiver back into the stock bed. Insert the stock takedown screw and tighten it with a screwdriver.

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