- 1). Fill out your personal information in Section I. For question 2, the organization is the branch of service you are in: Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force, Army or Reserves. You can use either your physical address or your permanent address in question 3. Make sure that all of the information in this section matches the information you have provided to the military.
- 2). Complete Section II. For question 7, choose the type of account your pay will go into by placing an 'X' next to 'CHECKING' if it is a checking account or 'SAVINGS' if it is a savings account. For question 8, place an 'X' by 'NET PAY'. Fill out the 9-digit routing number for your bank in question 11 and your account number, which can be up to 17-digits, in question 12. The account title in question 13 is the name on your account. This is usually your name as well as any joint account holders. Question 14 is for you to provide the name, address and phone number of the financial institution.
- 3). Sign and date the form in Section III.
- 4). Attach a copy of a voided check or letter from your bank that includes your name, address, routing number and account number to the DD Form 2762.
- 5). Turn in the DD Form 2762 to the pay office located on base. If you aren't stationed near a base, contact your duty station for the mailing address to which the form should be sent. If you must mail the form, include a copy of your military identification card and mail the packet using certified mail.