Online Dating can often feel like searching for a needle in a monster-sized haystack. When scrolling through endless profiles, pictures, and interests, how can you tell when someone is really worth meeting in person? If your online-dating intuition needs a little boost, check out these 10 signs your online date is the "real deal"-- the best potential match:
1) They're clear about what they're seeking in a partner. Almost all dating profiles have a question like "Who I want to meet" or "You should message me if€¦" Pay close attention to this answer. Does this person know what they want in a relationship? If yes, that's a major plus. Chances are they'll be more confident, mature, and decisive in their dating choices. And if you've got the qualities they described-- what are you waiting for?
2) They're positive about their dating future. Throughout the profile, does the person have a sour attitude toward dating? Do you find comments like: "Don't message me if you can't spell" or "Why do guys always show pictures of their abs"? (Yes, people actually write things like this.) Or does this person sound excited about meeting someone who rocks their world? Think about your potential first meet up. What's more likely to be successful: a date with someone who's open-minded about new experiences or a date with someone who's already expecting red flags?
3) You like their interpretation of "fun". Everyone writes "I like to have fun." Everyone. But fun means something different to everyone, right? Read between the lines to grasp your online date's idea of "fun"--their interests, favorite activities, how they spend their downtime. Would you be up for joining your date in their version of fun? Of course, this doesn't mean you have to love the exact same things, but it's important that your interest is piqued by the things they enjoy.
4) They match your attitude toward dating. If you see that someone wants a similar type of relationship that you do, you're already ahead of the game. You're both looking to settle down and start a family? Great. You're both looking for a partner in adventure? Perfect. These pairings have way more potential than a casual dater and someone who's eager to put a ring on it.
5) There's something in the profile that made you laugh so hard it physically hurt. When this happens, DON'T WAIT! Message this person ASAP. Their ability to make you laugh out loud could be the thing that holds your relationship together through tougher times down the road. Personally, I'm eternally grateful for my (online-dating-found) boyfriend's wicked sense of humor. When I'm at the end of my rope, he can make everything better with a well-timed "Arnold" impression.
6) Their profile is not just about them. When someone's profile is all "I" and "me" it makes you wonder if they're looking for a partner or if they're just interested in talking about themselves. Look for keywords like "you" "we" "share" together" and "us". For example: "I'm a passionate chef, so I hope you've got a big appetite for home cooked meals. The best date ever would end with us sharing a giant piece of my famous chocolate blackout cake."
7) Their photos show the "full picture." There's nothing sexier than someone who's confident in the way they look (no matter how they look). You you've got a winner when you see a nice clear headshot, a full body shot, and a few unique photos that reveal personality. Rest easy knowing they've got nothing to hide... unlike the more questionable photos out there:
8) The profile reveals a balance of interests. If the same topics are repeated throughout the profile, chances are your potential date's got a one-track mind. This could make for a very long, dull first date. A profile that reveals a variety of interests may mean the person is more dynamic, intriguing and open to new activities.
9) They write thoughtful messages. Notice the difference between these two messages.
"I like your profile and I'd love to get to know you"
"Great profile. That's awesome that you're into live comedy. I'm always checking out the shows at UCB theater. What's your favorite place to see comedy in NYC?"
In the second message you can tell that this person took the time to read your profile and ask you a relevant question. They're already being considerate and you haven't even met yet. Not a bad start, right?
10) They're not perfect. And you're ok with that. This is the most important sign that your online date is the "real deal"-- because you're content with them being real. With the vast amount of choice and information we are granted with online dating, people often have the illusion that they should keep searching until they find the absolute perfect person. Remember, no one is perfect. Not even close. Don't be so quick to call "dealbreaker". Be open-minded about the imperfections. The best relationships are the ones where you enjoy each other's strengths, accept each other's quirks and faults, and bring out the very best in each other. It can happening through Online Dating
1) They're clear about what they're seeking in a partner. Almost all dating profiles have a question like "Who I want to meet" or "You should message me if€¦" Pay close attention to this answer. Does this person know what they want in a relationship? If yes, that's a major plus. Chances are they'll be more confident, mature, and decisive in their dating choices. And if you've got the qualities they described-- what are you waiting for?
2) They're positive about their dating future. Throughout the profile, does the person have a sour attitude toward dating? Do you find comments like: "Don't message me if you can't spell" or "Why do guys always show pictures of their abs"? (Yes, people actually write things like this.) Or does this person sound excited about meeting someone who rocks their world? Think about your potential first meet up. What's more likely to be successful: a date with someone who's open-minded about new experiences or a date with someone who's already expecting red flags?
3) You like their interpretation of "fun". Everyone writes "I like to have fun." Everyone. But fun means something different to everyone, right? Read between the lines to grasp your online date's idea of "fun"--their interests, favorite activities, how they spend their downtime. Would you be up for joining your date in their version of fun? Of course, this doesn't mean you have to love the exact same things, but it's important that your interest is piqued by the things they enjoy.
4) They match your attitude toward dating. If you see that someone wants a similar type of relationship that you do, you're already ahead of the game. You're both looking to settle down and start a family? Great. You're both looking for a partner in adventure? Perfect. These pairings have way more potential than a casual dater and someone who's eager to put a ring on it.
5) There's something in the profile that made you laugh so hard it physically hurt. When this happens, DON'T WAIT! Message this person ASAP. Their ability to make you laugh out loud could be the thing that holds your relationship together through tougher times down the road. Personally, I'm eternally grateful for my (online-dating-found) boyfriend's wicked sense of humor. When I'm at the end of my rope, he can make everything better with a well-timed "Arnold" impression.
6) Their profile is not just about them. When someone's profile is all "I" and "me" it makes you wonder if they're looking for a partner or if they're just interested in talking about themselves. Look for keywords like "you" "we" "share" together" and "us". For example: "I'm a passionate chef, so I hope you've got a big appetite for home cooked meals. The best date ever would end with us sharing a giant piece of my famous chocolate blackout cake."
7) Their photos show the "full picture." There's nothing sexier than someone who's confident in the way they look (no matter how they look). You you've got a winner when you see a nice clear headshot, a full body shot, and a few unique photos that reveal personality. Rest easy knowing they've got nothing to hide... unlike the more questionable photos out there:
8) The profile reveals a balance of interests. If the same topics are repeated throughout the profile, chances are your potential date's got a one-track mind. This could make for a very long, dull first date. A profile that reveals a variety of interests may mean the person is more dynamic, intriguing and open to new activities.
9) They write thoughtful messages. Notice the difference between these two messages.
"I like your profile and I'd love to get to know you"
"Great profile. That's awesome that you're into live comedy. I'm always checking out the shows at UCB theater. What's your favorite place to see comedy in NYC?"
In the second message you can tell that this person took the time to read your profile and ask you a relevant question. They're already being considerate and you haven't even met yet. Not a bad start, right?
10) They're not perfect. And you're ok with that. This is the most important sign that your online date is the "real deal"-- because you're content with them being real. With the vast amount of choice and information we are granted with online dating, people often have the illusion that they should keep searching until they find the absolute perfect person. Remember, no one is perfect. Not even close. Don't be so quick to call "dealbreaker". Be open-minded about the imperfections. The best relationships are the ones where you enjoy each other's strengths, accept each other's quirks and faults, and bring out the very best in each other. It can happening through Online Dating