I had a dream; I sit upon my father's palace,
My brothers and sisters of the rainbow colors;
Who stood before the alter of freedom;
and many died as thee, I am not dead;
the spirit lives on, a revolution that
was fought, for Gods children of the cloth,
Step back€¦ don't give me flowers,
Give me the armies of the lord.
I continue to sing from the skies of heaven
Free at last, Free At Last
Thank God, I am Free At Last
I the African Warrior of My Tribe
I sing the noblest scripts of God
Evolved through my Fathers Scripts
I the brother of brothers who died for me.
African Man a son of a Baptist son
My journey was subscribed before I
Entered this place call earth
God whispered In my ears
I now take my place in Gods house.
I died for a reason
As my brother died for me
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
Oh my God to thee
I have took my Journey to
The other side of freedom.
I the son of a Old Black Minster
The blood in he, is the blood in me
I leave my brothers and sisters
Not the awards that man have given
Even the death trap he set before me
But unto the man, who stands in honor
The man who is not afraid to pick
Up armor, Lord I want study
War no more; Oh thy God to thee, the work
Of deliverance.
Oh the darkness of justice
The white mask mafia
Oh but the challenge that you gave
What is life, if one must live as a slave
So I give unto you, the blue print written
In script, oh I the son of an old Baptist
Minister, I the legacy of my Fathers
house in the skies;
who gave me my strength
To identify with my brother who
Lied upon the cross, I died with
Dignity never the less, my life came
To a end, but my struggles for my people
Shall be epitome of my revenge.
I have given all I can give, my journey
Has reached the other side of my fathers
I sit upon the mountains and gaze upon
The earth, my spirit that dwells, as the tears
Upon my face, who is my brother, who
Refuse to release the chains?
I give you the treasures of thy soul;
I give to you the children of the future.
That my legacy shall not foul.
I the ancestor of your history,
will I ever see the dreams,
of my legacy. Africa that
sings the liberation of my seed.
Oh the fruits of his Garden
I sip of the waters of his tree,
I return to the fruits
it gives me great strength.
Tears that fall upon my forest,
Mountains that sings.
Glory to thee. I rise, above the mountains,
you wipe the tears away,
I the son of a Baptist minister
The prophet of God.
The burning fires upon Gods house
The raging dogs the eats at my flesh
The legacy of the moving trains
I gathered hand and hand with my brothers
I sing the song upon the mountains
Nevertheless I knew the time would come
When the man with the mask who planned
My death, you may have killed my carcass
But my spirit lives on, a message to the sons of son
Bare arms of the spirit, God words is law.
The battlefields of war, Freedom... The battlefields of
hate, Freedom... The battlefields of Love, Freedom... The
battlefields of God, Freedom... The Fire in God's Eyes,
Freedom... Listen to the beats of the earth, Freedom...
Devils un-veiling the essence of pain, Freedom... Listen to
the angers of the sea's Freedom.......... Rise me, from the
blood, beneath my feet. Freedom... Freedom.....,
Freedom....., Listen to the 4th of the beat, Freedom, I
sing, the words of freedom, Freedom, I sing, the words of
deliverance, Freedom, I sing, the words of unity, Freedom, I
sing, the scars of my people, Freedom, Let.... my people
Freedom..... Black, White, Yellow, Green Freedom let my
people be. Death of a dream, abandon, by the devils revenge,
Killing, the humble, an meek, The scars of the earth,
Freedom, never again, shall it be, Freedom, release the
chains, Of the devil, who sits in waiting, Freedom, by man's
on hand,
The devil, comes in all colors of man, Freedom I rise above
the sky's. See the fire in God's eyes, It will be no more,
The birds, come in hurdles, waiting for its prey, listen the
pain, is in the air, to destroy the paradise, which once,
came love, the demon's waiting for the kill. Freedom, never
again my eyes shall see hate, Never again, shall I be haunted
by rape, Never again shall I feel, the whip of hate, the
disease that kills all men. Freedom, I declare upon this
earth. I rise in the name, of the men, who walked in God's
Freedom the spirit the divine heart, will never die, those
who have come, in the name, of God's house, The battle cries
will be no more, heaven knocking at the door. The dead has
not died, but living in the paradise of God, So Satan you
have been defeated. Life dose not begin at birth, but after
death, sleep the cousin to death, I rise in the morning,
visiting the universe, called earth.
My back has carried the scars of civilization, the blood is
in the palms of me hand, my children are dying, I cry
rebirth, Rise me to the heavens, Rise me to the Universe. I
am tired and my back will no longer take this curse.
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom,
Break the chains from my risk, Break the chains from my
womb, Break the chains from my mind; The Universal disgrace.
My babies are imprisoned, No mothers, No Fathers, No
Leaders, No Justice, No dignity to the human race. Blind
justice to an inheritance that refuse to change.
I shall return, I shall rise, I shall come in the name of
change, my people cry there is no color in Satan's house
Only the justice that man shall chane, I shall return
In the name of the blue print that was given by God.
Watch my words, the warriors of God shall return,
In the name of the ancestors, peace be still.