Bullets are one of the most critical parts of your sales letter, probably the third most important component after the headline and the closing statement.
Your bullets will generate the most interest and keep the customers glued to your letter.
Read on to find out an easy trick to pull bullets out of your product immediately.
This article is going to be focused on generating bullets for information products, but much of this advice can be used for all products.
Read through your entire product with a highlighter in one hand.
As soon as you get to a part that catches your eye, highlight it and move on.
Go through the entire document this way.
When you are finished, type or cut/paste all of the highlighted passages including the page numbers.
Now go through each bullet and re-write them so they don't give the entire secret away, just 90% of it.
You want the person to feel compelled to purchase your product to find out what the solution is.
In many cases you can also include the page number at the end of each bullet.
Including page numbers or some other reference creates credibility for the statement.
It allows the person to look up the information after they purchase it, so make sure that the facts are contained on the page that you list, because some people will try to do that.
Each bullet that you chose must grab attention and encourage the reader to purchase or at least keep reading.
Don't just put a bullet point and a line of text.
They must be compelling.
If you go through this bullet exercise first, you can use your best bullet point as your headline, or at least as a starting place for your headline.
Only use the top-notch bullets.
Discard the ones that don't grab attention or create fascination.
Go for quality and not volume when using bullets in your sales letters.
Your bullets will generate the most interest and keep the customers glued to your letter.
Read on to find out an easy trick to pull bullets out of your product immediately.
This article is going to be focused on generating bullets for information products, but much of this advice can be used for all products.
Read through your entire product with a highlighter in one hand.
As soon as you get to a part that catches your eye, highlight it and move on.
Go through the entire document this way.
When you are finished, type or cut/paste all of the highlighted passages including the page numbers.
Now go through each bullet and re-write them so they don't give the entire secret away, just 90% of it.
You want the person to feel compelled to purchase your product to find out what the solution is.
In many cases you can also include the page number at the end of each bullet.
Including page numbers or some other reference creates credibility for the statement.
It allows the person to look up the information after they purchase it, so make sure that the facts are contained on the page that you list, because some people will try to do that.
Each bullet that you chose must grab attention and encourage the reader to purchase or at least keep reading.
Don't just put a bullet point and a line of text.
They must be compelling.
If you go through this bullet exercise first, you can use your best bullet point as your headline, or at least as a starting place for your headline.
Only use the top-notch bullets.
Discard the ones that don't grab attention or create fascination.
Go for quality and not volume when using bullets in your sales letters.