Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Dog Behavior And Training

Having a dog is one of life's greatest pleasures and for those of us that have had a dog for quite some time, we realized that the love that we received from them is unconditional. There may be times, however, whenever we have an animal that tends to act up in some way or another. Perhaps it has developed aggressive tendencies or maybe it just has a habit or two that we would like to change. Regardless of what kind of problems your dog is experiencing, there is some form of dog behavior training that can help.

The first step in any type of dog behavior training is taking them in for some basic obedience training. If your dog does not yet know the basic commands, such as sit, stay, come and down, you should enroll them in a basic obedience class. Of course, if your dog is displaying aggressive tendencies, you should discuss this with a teacher before the class begins. More than likely, they will allow the dog to take part in the classroom environment but they may have you muzzle it if it may be a hazard to other dogs that are also taking the class. Taking part in the basic obedience class may be all that is necessary to break your dog out of some of its misbehaving. The reason why this is the case is because behavior problems and dogs often come about as a result of boredom. If you take away the boredom, you take away the problem.

If, after going to the basic obedience classes, you still need to pursue additional dog behavior training, your trainer may be able to help. Most of those that take care of a basic obedience classes are not only good at helping your dog to understand the basic commands, they may also be able to give you specific help with your problems. The fact that you have already taken classes with this particular trainer will help your dog to react better to the dog behavior training, simply because it is comfortable with the trainer.

Finally, you should not overlook the possibility of their behavior being a result of a physical problem. Dogs are unable to tell you what is going wrong with them and they may display a variety of behavioral problems as a result of their illness. If the misbehaving happened suddenly, check with your veterinarian to see if a health problem might not be at the root of it.
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