Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Benefits of Launching Directories Like a Lawyer Directory

Theoperationofanindustryspecific,topicspecific or geographic specific directory like a lawyer directory orareal estatedirectoryisaninternetbusinesspossibility.
Some directory servicesaren'tevenspecificbutcontainawide variety of directory listings that are seemingly unrelated.
Some directoryservices,likeOpenDirectoryProject are free directory services.
Website ownerswhoareinterestedinhavingtheirbusiness websitelistedinthedirectorysubmittheirsitetothe directory and it is evaluated by editors to determine whetheror not the website is relevanttothesubjectsunderwhichthe website owner wishes to belisted.
Whiletherearedirectory services that provide free advertising alternativesforwebsite owners, some directory services,especiallyspecialtyservices like a real estate or lawyer directory, chargeadvertisingfees to list a website in their directory.
In order to start a directory service likealawyerdirectory, youneedadirectory-stylewebsitedesignedanddeveloped.
Directory websites generally have directory listings aswellas search options that enable directory users to search for specific information in the directory.
Listings are generally organized by category.
For instance, with alawyerdirectoryyoumayhave categories for defenselawyers,contractlawyers,familylaw specialists, andsoforth.
Adirectory-typewebsiteisnot incredibly complicated to design anddevelop.
Mostexperienced website designers and developers will be able toprovideadvice on developing a directory service website.
There are two types of marketing associated with the operation of a directory.
You have to markettoadvertiserswhowilllist their services in the directory, and to those who areinterested in obtaining the information that is listed in the directory.
So, in essence, when you operate a directory service asaninternet business, you havetwomajortargetmarketstoreachwhich requires a multi-faceted marketing program.
If you were tostart a lawyer directory, for instance, you wouldneedtodecideif your directory will list lawyers in a specificgeographicarea, of a specific specialty or branch of the law, or if it will bea general directory of all types of lawyers who practice in various specialties.
To attract advertisers for your lawyer directory, ofcourseyou should try to get yourwebsitelistedinthesearchengines eitherthroughsearchengineoptimizationor pay-per-click listings.
You can alsoadvertiseyourdirectoryinindustry- specific publications and classified ads.
Anotherusefulmethod of attracting advertisers for a lawyer directory is toobtaina mailing list or phone list of lawyers who fitintoyourtarget market and to contact them either throughtelemarketing,direct mail or email marketing to try and sell ad space inyourlawyer directory.
Using the search engines is by far the best method formarketing to consumers who will be seekingtheinformationcontainedin your lawyer directory.
Link exchanges withinformationwebsites that provide legal advice or copies of laws and statutes may also be an effective methodforpromotingalawyerdirectoryand making it easy for consumers to findandaccessthedirectory information.
Onceyougettrafficcomingto your lawyer directory, it will be much easier to sell advertisementsinthe directory and to earn revenues from directory advertising fees.
The examples given herearespecifictoalawyerdirectory; however, the same concepts can be appliedtolaunch,operation and marketing of any type of directory service.
In comparisonto other ideas for making money on the internetwithaninternet- based business, operatingadirectoryservicecouldbetime consuming since directory listings are actually reviewed by human editors and progressivemarketingeffortsareneededtoget listingsandpromotethedirectorytoconsumers; however, operatingadirectory service is an internet business possibility.
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