Definition: lincvs: graphical CVS frontend LinCVS enhances the ease-of-use of CVS (Concurrent Versions System) by providing a simple, intuitive graphic interface to CVS. With the GUI and mouse, you can quickly and easily review the CVS status of files or groups of files or of entire directory trees. You can also quickly initiate common CVS commands without the need for typing long command lines with many option flags.
Source: Debian 3.0r0 APT / Linux Dictionary V 0.16
Author: Binh Nguyen linuxfilesystem(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
> Linux/Unix/Computing Glossary
Source: Debian 3.0r0 APT / Linux Dictionary V 0.16
Author: Binh Nguyen linuxfilesystem(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
> Linux/Unix/Computing Glossary