Loose sagging skin is caused by damage to the skin's elastic structure.
The structure is composed of proteins called collagen and elastin.
Production of collagen and elastin decreases with age.
A glucose/amino acid compound called hyaluronan contributes to the skin's elastic nature by bonding the cells in the outer layers together.
The level of hyaluronan with the skin's layers decreases with age.
Decreased production of new cells is another problem that contributes to lost firmness.
Think of how much weaker a piece of fabric would be if every other thread was removed.
A young person's skin is firm and tight, because the cells are constantly being replaced, new fibers form on a regular basis and levels of hyaluronan are high.
All of these things are often referred to as the skin's natural "rejuvenation process".
If there were no rejuvenation, damage from the sun and other elements would make us look old very quickly.
For many years, scientists have been investigating the possibility of stimulating the skin's rejuvenation process.
One reason they have made this attempt is due to the fact that some people age (on the outside) more quickly than others.
Some people have more loose sagging skin and wrinkling than others.
Genetics might account for this difference, at least in part.
But, research concerning identical twins has proven that other factors must be involved.
One of the factors is sun exposure.
Twins that spend more time in the sun look older and have more wrinkles than those who don't.
Researchers talk look at wrinkles and loose sagging skin at the same time, because they are connected.
They are caused by the same things.
While the looseness may be caused by sudden weight loss or pregnancy, the underlying issue is damage to the collagen and elastin fibers.
This damage plays a role in wrinkle formation, as well.
So, things that will help repair wrinkles will also help repair lost firmness.
Many of the effective treatments are only available through dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons.
Those treatments are expensive and not without risk.
A topically applied cream and some good nutritional supplements are safer choices.
In order to be effective, topically applied creams must contain ingredients that stimulate the skin's rejuvenation processes.
Supplements must contain the right nutrients.
If you want to tighten up loose sagging skin, learn more about the nutrients to take and the ingredients to rub on.
You'll be glad that you did.
The structure is composed of proteins called collagen and elastin.
Production of collagen and elastin decreases with age.
A glucose/amino acid compound called hyaluronan contributes to the skin's elastic nature by bonding the cells in the outer layers together.
The level of hyaluronan with the skin's layers decreases with age.
Decreased production of new cells is another problem that contributes to lost firmness.
Think of how much weaker a piece of fabric would be if every other thread was removed.
A young person's skin is firm and tight, because the cells are constantly being replaced, new fibers form on a regular basis and levels of hyaluronan are high.
All of these things are often referred to as the skin's natural "rejuvenation process".
If there were no rejuvenation, damage from the sun and other elements would make us look old very quickly.
For many years, scientists have been investigating the possibility of stimulating the skin's rejuvenation process.
One reason they have made this attempt is due to the fact that some people age (on the outside) more quickly than others.
Some people have more loose sagging skin and wrinkling than others.
Genetics might account for this difference, at least in part.
But, research concerning identical twins has proven that other factors must be involved.
One of the factors is sun exposure.
Twins that spend more time in the sun look older and have more wrinkles than those who don't.
Researchers talk look at wrinkles and loose sagging skin at the same time, because they are connected.
They are caused by the same things.
While the looseness may be caused by sudden weight loss or pregnancy, the underlying issue is damage to the collagen and elastin fibers.
This damage plays a role in wrinkle formation, as well.
So, things that will help repair wrinkles will also help repair lost firmness.
Many of the effective treatments are only available through dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons.
Those treatments are expensive and not without risk.
A topically applied cream and some good nutritional supplements are safer choices.
In order to be effective, topically applied creams must contain ingredients that stimulate the skin's rejuvenation processes.
Supplements must contain the right nutrients.
If you want to tighten up loose sagging skin, learn more about the nutrients to take and the ingredients to rub on.
You'll be glad that you did.