If you are very concerned about the environmental impact that your carpet cleaning exercise may have, truck mount carpet cleaning in Calgary would be the last in your choices. Many are the manufacturers who recommend pressure cleaning of carpets. However, there is so much impact that this method has on the environment and you need to think more over it if you are environmentally conscious.
Truck mount carpet cleaning uses a vacuum extraction unit, fresh water tank and a pressure pump sprayer. It basically is used by spraying of extremely hot water and detergent on the carpet at a very high pressure. Later, these get vacuumed from the carpets by use of a wand. The process is done continuously by professional carpet cleaning technicians till the carpets get absolutely clean and shinny.
Since the truck mount carpet cleaning process is powered by the trucks engine, there is definite emission of fumes during the entire cleaning process. You may not realize how harmful this can be unless you calculate how long the fumes would get emitted into the air. This brings about a serious risk of air pollution that can otherwise be avoided if alternative carpet cleaning methods are used in Calgary Alberta.
The process of mixing of detergent and water during the high pressure truck mount carpet cleaning process contaminates water a lot. In the first pace, there is so much water used compared to that needed by other carpet cleaning methods like low pressure or the oscillating pad.
The truck mount carpet cleaning technicians inject water into the carpet and extract dirty water from it. This dirty water collects into the unit's waste tank. Proper disposal of this waste water is essential for our environment.
Sanctions have been put in place to prevent improper dumping of waste water. However, there are high costs of appropriate disposal of dirty water make it a thing that is less observed. Many of the truck mount carpet cleaning in Calgary experts also find themselves with very little time to effectively dispose off the water.
Noise pollution is also inevitable whenever you are using this method to have your carpets cleaned or is close to a place where it is being used. The blaring noise from truck mount carpet cleaning trucks is also not easy to assume. The roaring engine is a nuisance that can be so irritating that you would rather use other methods to clean your carpets.
Truck mount carpet cleaning uses a vacuum extraction unit, fresh water tank and a pressure pump sprayer. It basically is used by spraying of extremely hot water and detergent on the carpet at a very high pressure. Later, these get vacuumed from the carpets by use of a wand. The process is done continuously by professional carpet cleaning technicians till the carpets get absolutely clean and shinny.
Since the truck mount carpet cleaning process is powered by the trucks engine, there is definite emission of fumes during the entire cleaning process. You may not realize how harmful this can be unless you calculate how long the fumes would get emitted into the air. This brings about a serious risk of air pollution that can otherwise be avoided if alternative carpet cleaning methods are used in Calgary Alberta.
The process of mixing of detergent and water during the high pressure truck mount carpet cleaning process contaminates water a lot. In the first pace, there is so much water used compared to that needed by other carpet cleaning methods like low pressure or the oscillating pad.
The truck mount carpet cleaning technicians inject water into the carpet and extract dirty water from it. This dirty water collects into the unit's waste tank. Proper disposal of this waste water is essential for our environment.
Sanctions have been put in place to prevent improper dumping of waste water. However, there are high costs of appropriate disposal of dirty water make it a thing that is less observed. Many of the truck mount carpet cleaning in Calgary experts also find themselves with very little time to effectively dispose off the water.
Noise pollution is also inevitable whenever you are using this method to have your carpets cleaned or is close to a place where it is being used. The blaring noise from truck mount carpet cleaning trucks is also not easy to assume. The roaring engine is a nuisance that can be so irritating that you would rather use other methods to clean your carpets.