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How To Overcome Your Riding Fear

To ride a horse for the first time is a fearful experience, and anyone who says he never felt fear would be dishonest. Whenever you get on a new horse, you have a certain level of healthy fear because if you have common sense, you know that the 400 kilograms or so of muscle and bones you are sitting on is, physically, more powerful than you are.

Horses have the potential to perform incredible athletic feats such as jumping cutting, or reining. Moreover, they can reach up to the speed of over 25 miles per hour in the blink of an eye. We all have a desire to become friends with horses to make our ride easy and joyful. But, once you are thrown off or find yourself on a panicked runaway, it will take a while to rebuild the confidence.

According to the old philosophies, if you manage to get back on the saddle again, everything would be fine. However, suppressing your fear and getting right back again is not an easy task. Thus, the best possible way to overpower your riding fear is to work on developing a completely independent seat. It will give you the confidence that you have got the ability to ride through just about any movement the horse might make. It is important for riders to develop habits that will help to stay emotionally and mentally calm when their horse becomes excited or frightened. If you manage to stay relaxed, it will be much easier for you to bring your horse back to that state.

It is very difficult to overcome your fear when you work by yourself. An experienced instructor can help you build a confidence and make your riding experience a great fun. Your instructor will help you understand how to get back and find the point where riding a horse is comfortable for you. When you lose the spirit, he will help you work forward again in a logical progression in order to rebuild your confidence.

Having the right horse is the most important factor when you are trying to regain your confidence. A horse riding school has various types of horses. Horses are assigned according to your skill and confidence level. If you are a very fearful student, they will put you on an old school horse who will give you a lot of confidence to ride. When you gradually build your confidence, they will make you ride the horses that take greater skill.

Spending some time around the horses is also important as it will help you understand their mood and nature, and thus, develop a good rapport with them. You should try to involve yourself with horses by doing activities like giving them a bath and fodder to eat. It will definitely help you to gain the confidence in your ability to handle the horse.

You should get on and ride the horse when you are both physically and mentally ready. Once you step on to the saddle, forget about your fear completely and replace it with a love of horses. Having a fear is not something to be ashamed of instead you should accept the challenge and conquer your fear. When you are able to do that, nothing can match that great sense of achievement.
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