- Because you will be taking on a wide array of jobs as a temp, having experience in an assortment of professions is an asset. Unlike many jobs in which you want to tailor your resume to one specific skill, when applying at a temp agency, the more you have on your resume, the better. Each job you include shows the agency you are prepared to tackle a different challenge, likely making you a more desirable candidate.
- Don't walk into the interview ignorant of the temp agency's position within the market. Gather some print material about the agency and study it on the Internet, uncovering which companies the agency works with and determining which industries you would most likely be placed. With this knowledge, you can directly address what kinds of jobs you would be most eligible for during the interview.
- To be successful as a temp, you will have to be flexible. Instead of just saying at your interview, "I am flexible," prove it. Mention specific situations in which you have been flexible, allowing the interviewer to see that you truly are capable of tackling challenges of all types.
- When you work as a temp, you will likely go into an assortment of different business offices, many with stringent dress codes. Demonstrate your preparedness to follow these dress codes by dressing professionally for your interview.
- The interviewer will likely want to know why you have selected a temp agency to find a job. Avoid giving an answer that implies that you are looking for a job, any job. Instead, speak about what you think will be fun about temping, such as the opportunity to gain wide experience in various settings. Such information shows you are excited about the position, not simply trying to obtain employment in any form.
Prepare a Diverse Resume
Research the Company
Highlight Flexibility
Dress Appropriately
Prepare to Explain Your Desire to Temp