travel distance
calculator application is free mobile application that facilitate frequent
travelers to computes distance and direction quickly between any two points on
the earth.
Have you ever scratched your head converting miles into kilometers or feet into
yards? iMobiles, mobile travel distance calculator application is the
solution! iTravel Distance Calculator application is a handy and easy to use
converter for the all Java/WAP supported mobile phones. If you are planning to
travel between cities or overseas to another country, you might want to search
for the distance of destination or closest airport to your destination. Or you
can simply browse all of the major airports in any state or country. You can
also browse information on flights including the distance, travel time, or
carbon emissions.
Power of iMobile technology;
Distance Calculator application do not install any database files onto your
phone so ultimately saving space and memory of mobile phone while making it
easier for you to find real time distances and time differences while you are on
the go.
Key features
FREE Registration, application download & installation
NO hassles to download JAR files
Easy-to-use for non-professional mobile users
Compatible with all Java/WAP supported mobile phones, Symbians, PDAs, Pocket
PCs, and Smartphones
Unlike other applications it wont install any database files in mobile phone,
so saving space & memory of your mobile phone
Calculate total Flight Time between cities or countries even.
Find out Time Difference between two cities or countries
travel distance
calculator application is free mobile application that facilitate frequent
travelers to computes distance and direction quickly between any two points on
the earth.
Have you ever scratched your head converting miles into kilometers or feet into
yards? iMobiles, mobile travel distance calculator application is the
solution! iTravel Distance Calculator application is a handy and easy to use
converter for the all Java/WAP supported mobile phones. If you are planning to
travel between cities or overseas to another country, you might want to search
for the distance of destination or closest airport to your destination. Or you
can simply browse all of the major airports in any state or country. You can
also browse information on flights including the distance, travel time, or
carbon emissions.
Power of iMobile technology;
Distance Calculator application do not install any database files onto your
phone so ultimately saving space and memory of mobile phone while making it
easier for you to find real time distances and time differences while you are on
the go.
Key features
FREE Registration, application download & installation
NO hassles to download JAR files
Easy-to-use for non-professional mobile users
Compatible with all Java/WAP supported mobile phones, Symbians, PDAs, Pocket
PCs, and Smartphones
Unlike other applications it wont install any database files in mobile phone,
so saving space & memory of your mobile phone
Calculate total Flight Time between cities or countries even.
Find out Time Difference between two cities or countries