On reviewing The Sleep Apnea Exercise Program I found Marc MacDonald M.
Sc an independent Sleep Apnea Researcher, has researched this problem extensively before writing this book to help people with this annoying problem.
This is a natural way by exercise to treat Sleep Apnea in your own home.
 This won't require expensive or uncomfortable equipment just 20 minutes a day of consistent throat and mouth exercises that is proven by scientific studies.
This is not an uncommon condition worldwide and affects a tremendous amount of people.
 Not only the people that suffer from this complaint but also the partners, husbands and wives.
Sleep is an essential part of health and I know being disturbed through the night by a husbands snoring and getting interrupted sleep can make your energy levels low, not feel good and decidedly cranky next morning.
Changing simple habits to Help Sleep Apnea! Sometimes by changing your sleeping position especially your pillow to get your head straight and throat in line.
Also sleeping on your side will help this.
Singing will give a person strong vocal cords and is a great hobby to take up which helps a person to learn to breath with the diaphragm and to strengthen airway muscles, but a commitment is needed to do it consistently and not just as a whim.
If a Smoker, stopping would be an advantage for a person suffering with Sleep Apnea.
Exercises to Help a Sleep Apnea Cure: The beauty about these exercises is that they can be carried out the same time with your other normal routine exercises and not take much extra effort.
Although a person probably needs to continue over a period of time to carry out the exercises to ensure a cure for your Sleep Apnea.
These exercises focus on the muscles primarily for which they are designed.
Exercises for the Tongue, Jaw, Throat, Soft Palate and Facial Exercise: Realizing there are muscles in your tongue, throat and face these need to be strengthened and toned.
 The Tongue being a muscle and like other parts of the body we don't often realize needs exercise to keep it strengthened and toned as it can accumulate fat.
The Throat muscle can get weak and also needs strengthening by specific exercises to help it.
 Facial muscles also need constant exercise like the tongue and throat and especially in the area of the neck, so that when sleeping it does not get to floppy.
The soft palate is another area which needs toning and strengthening.
The Jaw needs to be kept relaxed by exercise to enable the tightening of the jaw muscles which will obstruct the breathing passages while sleeping.
With free bonuses as well to The Sleep Apnea Exercise Program, $77 for this program for a sufferer of this annoying condition would be a small price to pay to be cured.
Also coming with 60 day guarantee if it doesn't work for them is an added bonus to know there money is not be wasted and makes a person confident that help is in sight.
Sc an independent Sleep Apnea Researcher, has researched this problem extensively before writing this book to help people with this annoying problem.
This is a natural way by exercise to treat Sleep Apnea in your own home.
 This won't require expensive or uncomfortable equipment just 20 minutes a day of consistent throat and mouth exercises that is proven by scientific studies.
This is not an uncommon condition worldwide and affects a tremendous amount of people.
 Not only the people that suffer from this complaint but also the partners, husbands and wives.
Sleep is an essential part of health and I know being disturbed through the night by a husbands snoring and getting interrupted sleep can make your energy levels low, not feel good and decidedly cranky next morning.
Changing simple habits to Help Sleep Apnea! Sometimes by changing your sleeping position especially your pillow to get your head straight and throat in line.
Also sleeping on your side will help this.
Singing will give a person strong vocal cords and is a great hobby to take up which helps a person to learn to breath with the diaphragm and to strengthen airway muscles, but a commitment is needed to do it consistently and not just as a whim.
If a Smoker, stopping would be an advantage for a person suffering with Sleep Apnea.
Exercises to Help a Sleep Apnea Cure: The beauty about these exercises is that they can be carried out the same time with your other normal routine exercises and not take much extra effort.
Although a person probably needs to continue over a period of time to carry out the exercises to ensure a cure for your Sleep Apnea.
These exercises focus on the muscles primarily for which they are designed.
Exercises for the Tongue, Jaw, Throat, Soft Palate and Facial Exercise: Realizing there are muscles in your tongue, throat and face these need to be strengthened and toned.
 The Tongue being a muscle and like other parts of the body we don't often realize needs exercise to keep it strengthened and toned as it can accumulate fat.
The Throat muscle can get weak and also needs strengthening by specific exercises to help it.
 Facial muscles also need constant exercise like the tongue and throat and especially in the area of the neck, so that when sleeping it does not get to floppy.
The soft palate is another area which needs toning and strengthening.
The Jaw needs to be kept relaxed by exercise to enable the tightening of the jaw muscles which will obstruct the breathing passages while sleeping.
With free bonuses as well to The Sleep Apnea Exercise Program, $77 for this program for a sufferer of this annoying condition would be a small price to pay to be cured.
Also coming with 60 day guarantee if it doesn't work for them is an added bonus to know there money is not be wasted and makes a person confident that help is in sight.