Health & Medical Diabetes

Healthy Diet For Diabetic Patients

Diabetes, an inherited disease, has become very common all over the world.
It occurs as a result of pancreas inability to produce enough protein and insulin to process the sugar and starch that we intake.
The carbohydrates in the blood stays unaffected, until it spills over into the kidneys and comes out through urine.
With around 20 % population under its effect, it is much necessary to know how to maintain the diet to stay fit and healthy.
All the people who are affected with this particular ailment, must have a proper, nutritious and refined diet.
Being a diabetic, it is important to check all ingredients you take in your regular diet.
It is advisable by many doctors, to all diabetics to maintain a diet chart, depending on the type of diabetes, age, sex, body weight and style, physical and personal need of an individual.
Though the diet should not be rigid, in fact, everything should be included keeping it a balanced diet.
Diabetes is of two major types - Type 1 (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and Type 2 (Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus).
Type 1 is lethal, which results in permanent destruction of insulin, thus, patients are regularly injected with insulin injections along with a restricted diet.
Type 2 is a metabolic disorder, occurs due relative insulin deficiency.
It can be controlled and maintained by energy-giving, proper and hygienic diet.
However, to keep diabetes in check, one must maintain or try to obtain, an ideal body weight and normal sugar levels.
This will help to prevent, minimize or delay the onset of chronic degenerative complications.
The most recommended diet for diabetic patients is one which is high in soluble fiber and low in saturated fat.
They are often asked to avoid sugary stuff, but are advised to have food or drinks that raise blood glucose quickly.
For diabetics, healthy eating is not only the matter of what to eat, but also when to eat.
These people are advised to take food after every two hours in little sufficient amount to avoid the risk of hypoglycemia.
Type and time of insulin taken, should also be kept in mind.
Diabetic patients should include loads of healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables in their diet like apples, oranges, bananas, beans, carrots, broccoli, spinach and red cabbage.
These fiber containing stuffs helps in proper digestion and improves health.
Instead of processed foods, they should have whole grains like wheat spaghetti, brown rice etc.
Inclusion of non-fatty or low-fat dairy products like yogurt, cheese and skimmed milk are good for diabetics.
A variety of sugar free, high fiber, low-carb and low-cal food items and snacks are available in the market that offers you great taste with healthy nutrition.
To stay healthy and fit, you just need to follow a proper diet and a strict exercise regime.
Have the right food or drink in right amount at the right time, according to your body requirements.
There are a variety of special foods for Diabetic Diet available online today, that you can choose from.
By following a simple, beneficial and balanced diet you can stay and look healthy in your diabetic state because ''Its all about controlled and disciplined living''.
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