EYE CULTURE The following exercises will assist you to improve the quality ofyour eyesight.
Apply these simple exercises for a period of 90 days and SEE the results.
Be sure to remove your eye-glasses during the exercises.
The following 3 exercises should be carried out in the morning.
Eye sunbath oSit in a comfortable chair facing the morning sun - depending on your latitude - at least 2 hours before the mid-day sun.
oLook at the sun momentarily in order to get the right orientation.
oClose your eyes gently at once.
(It is dangerous to look at the sun - we are only trying to 'feel' the warmth of the sun's rays directly on our eyes once they are closed - this can be done quite easily by adjusting the head until the eyes 'feel' the sun's rays.
) oSit with your eyes closed for from 5 to 15 minutes.
Eye water bath oImmediately after the sunbath, fill an eggcup (not an eyebath) with cool/pure water.
oPut your left hand, palm-down, on a table.
oBend your body forward so the face will be parallel with the floor.
oApply the eggcup gently to the right eye with the right hand.
oBlink the eyelids 50 times into the water.
oDiscard the water and refill the eggcup.
oPlace the right hand, palm down, on the table.
oApply the eggcup to the left eye using the left hand.
oBlink your eyelids 50 times into the water.
oDry the eyes by pressing a folded handkerchief to the eyes.
Palming exercise oImmediately after the water bath, sit at a table with your body against the table and your elbows on the tabletop.
oCup the left hand and place it diagonally over your left eye with the edges of your hand on your left cheek and the fingers crossing over the bridge of the nose.
oNow cup the right hand and place it over the right eye with the edges on the right cheek and the fingers crossing over the left fingers.
oMove your fingers so all light spots will be excluded.
oWhen you can see perfect blackness, let your eyes close gently.
oStay in this position for from 10 minutes to half an hour.
The four exercises that follow may be done at any time of the day.
Clock-dial exercise oSit in a comfortable chair that is placed against a wall in a large room.
oImagine there is a clock dial painted on the far wall.
- 12 will he near the ceiling, - 6 will be near the floor.
- 9 will be near the left-hand junction of the walls and - 3 will be near the right hand junction of the walls.
oWithout moving the head, look at 1, then 2, then 3 and so on until you come to 12.
oRepeat this several times then close the eyes for a few seconds.
oThen look at 12, then 11, then 10 and so on until you arrive back at 12 again.
oRepeat this several times and close the eyes for a few seconds.
oNow, look at 12, then at 6, then at 9, then at 3.
, then 7, then 1 and so on until you have looked at all of the numbers.
oRepeat several times and close the eyes for a few seconds.
Accommodation exercise oSit out of doors.
oLook at a distant object such as a house or electric light pole about one hundred yards away for one second.
oNow, look at the tip of your nose for one second.
oLook at the distant object again and then at your nose.
oRepeat several times and then close your eyes for a few seconds.
Blinking exercise oSit in a comfortable chair holding a newspaper, magazine or book about 20 inches from your eyes.
oCommence reading by looking at the letter at the top left-hand corner, reading each letter across to the right until you arrive at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
oEach time you look at a letter you blink your eyes, pass on to the next letter and blink again.
oWhen you have completed reading the whole page, close your eyes for a few seconds.
Neck exercises oSit in a straight back chair with your legs twisted around the leg of the chair.
oRotate the head slowly to the right 20 times.
oRotate the head slowly to the left, 20 times.
oRotate the head a little more vigorously to the right 20 times.
oRotate the head a little more vigorously to the left 20 times.
oIf this makes you dizzy you may overcome the dizziness by throwing your head backwards breathing deeply in and throwing the head forwards, breathing out.
Repeat 3 times.
oAdd 5 rotations each day until you can do 50 rotations each way daily.
Note: -The neck exercises are to be done gently - do not pushyourself further than you are able.
-The aim of the neck exercise is to increase mobility and improve circulation and nerve force to the head area - including the eyes.
-Pay particular attention to your breathing while rotating the head Note:Do not hold your breath - relax and breathe rhythmically and diaphragmatically during all movements.
Published and Edited by: Kevin and Katy Hinton (Practising the Science of Natural Living and Natural Healing) © Copyright, 2006 Double K Pty Ltd
Apply these simple exercises for a period of 90 days and SEE the results.
Be sure to remove your eye-glasses during the exercises.
The following 3 exercises should be carried out in the morning.
Eye sunbath oSit in a comfortable chair facing the morning sun - depending on your latitude - at least 2 hours before the mid-day sun.
oLook at the sun momentarily in order to get the right orientation.
oClose your eyes gently at once.
(It is dangerous to look at the sun - we are only trying to 'feel' the warmth of the sun's rays directly on our eyes once they are closed - this can be done quite easily by adjusting the head until the eyes 'feel' the sun's rays.
) oSit with your eyes closed for from 5 to 15 minutes.
Eye water bath oImmediately after the sunbath, fill an eggcup (not an eyebath) with cool/pure water.
oPut your left hand, palm-down, on a table.
oBend your body forward so the face will be parallel with the floor.
oApply the eggcup gently to the right eye with the right hand.
oBlink the eyelids 50 times into the water.
oDiscard the water and refill the eggcup.
oPlace the right hand, palm down, on the table.
oApply the eggcup to the left eye using the left hand.
oBlink your eyelids 50 times into the water.
oDry the eyes by pressing a folded handkerchief to the eyes.
Palming exercise oImmediately after the water bath, sit at a table with your body against the table and your elbows on the tabletop.
oCup the left hand and place it diagonally over your left eye with the edges of your hand on your left cheek and the fingers crossing over the bridge of the nose.
oNow cup the right hand and place it over the right eye with the edges on the right cheek and the fingers crossing over the left fingers.
oMove your fingers so all light spots will be excluded.
oWhen you can see perfect blackness, let your eyes close gently.
oStay in this position for from 10 minutes to half an hour.
The four exercises that follow may be done at any time of the day.
Clock-dial exercise oSit in a comfortable chair that is placed against a wall in a large room.
oImagine there is a clock dial painted on the far wall.
- 12 will he near the ceiling, - 6 will be near the floor.
- 9 will be near the left-hand junction of the walls and - 3 will be near the right hand junction of the walls.
oWithout moving the head, look at 1, then 2, then 3 and so on until you come to 12.
oRepeat this several times then close the eyes for a few seconds.
oThen look at 12, then 11, then 10 and so on until you arrive back at 12 again.
oRepeat this several times and close the eyes for a few seconds.
oNow, look at 12, then at 6, then at 9, then at 3.
, then 7, then 1 and so on until you have looked at all of the numbers.
oRepeat several times and close the eyes for a few seconds.
Accommodation exercise oSit out of doors.
oLook at a distant object such as a house or electric light pole about one hundred yards away for one second.
oNow, look at the tip of your nose for one second.
oLook at the distant object again and then at your nose.
oRepeat several times and then close your eyes for a few seconds.
Blinking exercise oSit in a comfortable chair holding a newspaper, magazine or book about 20 inches from your eyes.
oCommence reading by looking at the letter at the top left-hand corner, reading each letter across to the right until you arrive at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
oEach time you look at a letter you blink your eyes, pass on to the next letter and blink again.
oWhen you have completed reading the whole page, close your eyes for a few seconds.
Neck exercises oSit in a straight back chair with your legs twisted around the leg of the chair.
oRotate the head slowly to the right 20 times.
oRotate the head slowly to the left, 20 times.
oRotate the head a little more vigorously to the right 20 times.
oRotate the head a little more vigorously to the left 20 times.
oIf this makes you dizzy you may overcome the dizziness by throwing your head backwards breathing deeply in and throwing the head forwards, breathing out.
Repeat 3 times.
oAdd 5 rotations each day until you can do 50 rotations each way daily.
Note: -The neck exercises are to be done gently - do not pushyourself further than you are able.
-The aim of the neck exercise is to increase mobility and improve circulation and nerve force to the head area - including the eyes.
-Pay particular attention to your breathing while rotating the head Note:Do not hold your breath - relax and breathe rhythmically and diaphragmatically during all movements.
Published and Edited by: Kevin and Katy Hinton (Practising the Science of Natural Living and Natural Healing) © Copyright, 2006 Double K Pty Ltd